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Its an Ex-Pat life for me,

Home Forums General General Board Its an Ex-Pat life for me,

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  • #802

    It was just a genreal question really as it has come to my attention that a lot of you gentlemen live in some of the nicest locations this planet has to offer.

    But were would you say is the best location? i.e no tax, lifestlye, etc.




    Hands down, B.C.! 8)


    Hartlepool, Gods little acre, unless you’re a monkey.


    Bikini Bottom where else! 😀


    Not sure on the weather at Bikini Bottom, a little too wet for my liking. To much like the UK.

    Thailand, does have a certain appeal to it.


    Come on man it has to be the Philippines

    Scott Beveridge

    Spacer and Ben are right at the time of press. 27 yrs. here and still lovin’ it…

    Cable dog, ya’ gotta give too many handouts in the Forgotten Is. It’s Xmas, what you buy me???

    Crabs (I’m not gonna’ query that handle dude!), Uh… rain 230 days++ / year???


    So Thailand it is then, any one been a little further a field and say NZ, Cook Islands, I think thats tax free.


    Too many Kiwis……


    Thailand is tax free

    Mark DuPriest

    Tried Brazil (> 10yr’s)- it sucks :tdn: , liars, thieves & murderers and thats just the Police !!! constant threat of violence…not a slap in the face but a bullet in the back, little to no English. Generaly trust Brazilians as far as you can throw them.

    Thailand gets my vote. So far….sweet people, generaly not thieves, respectful when treated well, pretty girls. 😉


    Thailand is a pretty good place to be, have been here for 16 years, as long as you avoid falling for the bar girl with extended poor family and the sick buffalo you can do good, bank your money outside the country and keep your spending modest let everyone think you are a backpacker or a Kiwi and the greedy theiving gits stay away from you. You can still have a good time and enjoy a good standard of living whilst saving money, there is no way that I wish to return to the UK unless I do a trip in the North Sea, fly in,work and fly out.

    Scott Beveridge

    Thailand is a pretty good place to be, have been here for 16 years, as long as you avoid falling for the bar girl with extended poor family and the sick buffalo you can do good, bank your money outside the country and keep your spending modest let everyone think you are a backpacker or a Kiwi and the greedy theiving gits stay away from you. You can still have a good time and enjoy a good standard of living whilst saving money, there is no way that I wish to return to the UK unless I do a trip in the North Sea, fly in,work and fly out.

    😡 😡 😡

    Wouldn’t want to that – fly in / out of the UK – this week re: farqin’ terrorists. SHITE!! but I AM FLYING IN!!


    Well with the bombs and the flooding it seems that flying in to the UK is not really a good idea maybe fly to Holland and do crew changes at Rotterdam, and of course spend some time in the "coffee" shops on your return trip.

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