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Its an Ex-Pat life for me,

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    I still reckon on the Philipines, Scotbeve you only give away to much "at christmas" if you are daft enough to give something to everyone who asks. This is the same in any 3rd world country. Even good old blighty. Nicer people in the PI though 😳 😳

    Scott Beveridge


    Agreed Dog.


    Lucas , cant agree with you on Brasil , spent lots of time there ( Recife) and never had any problems, learned enough Portugeuse to order drink and food and be polite to the ladies of the night! Scariest thing in Brasil were Drunk taxi drivers having a race back to the ship!


    Mark DuPriest

    My experiences in Brazil have been in Rio de Janeiro State.
    Never been to Recife.
    My Portuguese is at 70%
    Nearly every person & transaction of siginficance has involved deceipt, lying, theft, one act of murder, various other crimes, the lawyers are nearly as crooked as the cops….if you have a problem there … forget about justice.

    I was not a tourist, I lived there, 2 kids, assimilated into society…I have no respect nor do I know any Brazilians that respect their institutions.
    My latest lawyer 20 minutes into hearing about some legal matters I am involved in suggested I murder the mother of my son with my son sitting out in the foyer…with-in earshot…normal there. The police made the same recommendation instead of doing their job.

    I do not recommend it….


    After reading you comments maybe should have second thoughts, but on the other hand should go for it, the guys from Titan Maritime spent months there cutting up a wrecked tanker there and all had a good time, maybe Rio is a bit rough but so is London ,Glasgow etc’etc. I’ll give it a go.

    Does anybody know a good website for stab/bullet proof clothing?????

    Mark DuPriest

    Have fun Polo, do not let your insurance lapse.

    " A bit rough in Rio" ?!?! , yea a bit..

    Just 1 easy comparison…. 9 million people Rio & NYC

    NYC – 2.3 murders p/dy Rio – 13
    Rio – est. 1 person p/d injured or killed by
    bullets falling out of sky
    Rio – "Worst than many war zones"-BBC
    report 1999 – 2001, published 2003
    Rio – latest crime in vogue, burn public passenger buses full of people (baby-grandma not a factor) so the drug gangs can show their strength. About 6 buses so far, while the criminals guard the outside of the bus to prevent you from jumping out the windows. Torture by police acknowledged by the Police and accepted. Rio was completely shut down by the drug gangs 2.5 years ago…the media did not mention it. Personally I feel safer in Malabo.

    Like I said, good luck and odds are you will not see the things I have in 10 yr’s there (2 bodies in 1st year ! ), but as I said…forget about getting justice if anything bad happens to you..it is illusive there at best.

    I will go away now, my personal observations.


    Thailand aint perfect but I have sampled Phillipines, Brazil, venezuela, colombia and many other exotic locations thailand is best for infrastruicture, schools , hospitals shopping ,safety , food and girls .

    Phillipine has poor infrastructure , expensive, crap food and loads of guns the girls are not as pretty as Thais but the big advantage/disadvantage is they speak excellent English.

    I have lived in Thailand fo 10 years now.



    According to Lucas should be better to work and live in Nigeria same s**t but xtra pay! Anyway He’s going back there, think about it!


    Murray Blom

    Kiwi is NOT tax free… well not if you are a Kiwi…. If you just fly in and out you might be OK, think you will find you can only stay a maximum of 6 months in a year but that’s probably not a problem with todays abundance of work.

    Sure there are lots of Kiwi’s but there’s fewer of them than the bloody Aussies in OZ 😀 (or bloody Aussies in Thailand for that matter 😆 )

    Northern Oz is nice, north of Brisbane that is, warm with some nice coast line, heard Perth is nice as well but haven’t visited yet…… Just a pity about the Aussies 😆

    Lived in the Philipines and visited Thailand many times…. Thailand would get my vote. The ladies are OK in the Philipines but the men seen to be much more violent than the Thai men….. Or maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time….. too many times 😆 😆

    And what was that post intimating Kiwi’s are cheap/stingey I’ll have you know my arms are long enough to reach the bottom of my pockets 😯

    Andy Shiers

    Small that they are 😆


    Kiwi’s are as bad as Aussies as far as I’m concerned 🙂
    They both whinge , You can hear the whinning before you turn a corner to confront them 😀
    I’ve always wondered how they could slur the English accent the way they do 😯


    If more of you stayed in the UK and paid some tax then maybe it would be a better place to live….. 😆

    Andy Shiers

    I totally agree with you 🙂
    Aussies and Kiwis should pay more Tax in the UK
    Then they can stay 😀


    Looks like at present I am stuck in the not so sunny UK!! I think Thailand seems to be the peoples choice.

    Having said that NZ and Aus do look nice, not sure on there tax though!!

    Ray Shields

    I thought the Thai government had changed the rules a lot to stop expats just doing visa runs etc.

    How difficult is it for expats to get residency in Thailand, or do you need it even?

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