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KLM Crackdown!!!!

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    6 (or so) people got pulled out of the line yesterday using seamens tickets to board a flight without having a discharge book.

    Even those of us with discharge books were taken aside and the books were scrutinised.

    We were told that KLM are going to be checking seamens tickets from now on with greater regularity.

    You’ve been warned!!!


    about time to. Far to many companies abusing the system. Play by the rules and do not get any hassle that is my motto.

    Oops did I just write that what I meant was fantastic yet more checks and hassle whilst travelling to work ontop of the three hundred times you have to take your belt and shoes off and empty your pockets.

    ah well such is life. Will companies be paying us a bonus for the hassle that we get???? 🙄 😈 😛 8) 8)


    consequences are that if you get stopped without papers and it’s past the time at which your office can support you, you end up having to pay the outstanding 50-60% of the whole ticket on your own credit card.

    Think of that for a flight from india to aberdeen ! owch.

    Ray Shields

    Good! I dont want Marine tickets, they are worth zero BA tier points and very few miles. If I had normal tickets I could have got Silver on BA in the last month alone!

    I have always said to out lot that if I was ever asked which boat I’m joining I would not lie for the Company, I wouod tell them if I was going to work in an office or joining a rig or whatever. If THEY want to break the rules, thats up to them.

    And jut to clarify there are Seamans Book and Discharge Books. You need to have at very minimum a Seamans Book (they are red here in the UK). Your company will normally pay for you to have these, a Discharge book is only used in addition to showing you are a Seaman for people to get the vessels stamp/signature. Our lot will not pay for the Discharge Book as it is not required for you to carry out your job, but most people get them in the hope they will use the records for getting their tax back.

    I have only ever had a Seamans Book, I just used a photocopy of a certificate of discharge fo9r anytime I went on the boat and got that stamped, worked fine with the taxman.



    I think you will find the Seamans Discharge book is BLUE and the British Seamans card is RED.


    I am now confused.

    If I get asked at the airport and I produce my lovely shiney book with Semans dishcarge book in gold lettering on a blue cover will this be enough to get me on the plane on a seamans ticket?

    Oh yeah and obviously the person asking will get my 3 yard annoyed at the airport stare cos it will no doubt be a red eye flight and do we really need the hassle.


    That will be enough to get you on the plane. You will be able to use it from certain countries, mainly Europe in place of your passport.
    I have know guys lose there passport but got home by using there discharge book.
    So it is useful to have, another good reason is when the tax man comes looking for you!


    Ray Shields


    I think you will find the Seamans Discharge book is BLUE and the British Seamans card is RED.

    Yes Seamans card (I called it book) is red. And for those of you thinking you can turn up at the airport, wave it about and get a Marine ticket, I dont think its that easy!


    You won’t get far with a seamans card,it’s not worth anything.
    You will get a lot further with a discharge book which most companys will pay for. This is what the airline companys are looking for and not the card! 😀

    Ray Shields

    The Seamans card is all that is required as a minimum to be entitled to the Marine fare, the Discharge book has the sections for proof of being on/off a vessel.

    Fugro, for example, will only pay for the Card which is all that they need to get you a Marine fare. Being able to prove you have been on a vessel for tax purposes they say is nowt to do with them.

    I’m against all Marine tickets, as we get next to bugger all airmiles and no tier points towards status with them. Maybe a few claims against companys for suffering from DVT might make them get us better tickets.

    From the MCA website:-

    Discharge Books & British Seamans Cards

    A discharge book is a continuous record of a seafarers service. It is the personal possesion of the seafarer. The British Seaman’s Card is similar to a British Passport and is internationally accepted, allowing seafarers to land at foreign ports without having to obtain visas. The card is surrendered to RSS by the seafarer when he/she leaves seagoing employment. Guidance notes on qualifying criteria are attached to the application form.

    Mike Kidd

    Why should ROV and others service oiks be entilted to a seamans card as most of them are just passengers and should be made to pay for their passage the same as if they were on a cruise ship where they can take all their complaining about no internet, TV is crap etc etc to the purser or some one who gives a sh*t.


    Flycatcher stop talking out of your arse, off course we are entiteled to a seamans card/discharge book. If a bent steward getting reamed by the chief cook can get one why can’t we? 😀

    Mike Kidd

    But at least the steward laid across the Bain-marie being serviced by the cook will have a job to do in an emergency, not run into the rec room waiting for the boat to sink 😉

    By the way it "of course" unless you were practicing some naval terminology 😆



    Numpty 😯


    wow that deteriorated quickly. Just a thought about what Ray was saying I have always got points off KLM travelling on a marine ticket I think it is really only BA who give you nothing.

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