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Less days more work

Home Forums General General Board Less days more work

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    In these apparent uncertain times, if everyone averaged around 160 days a year, then there would be plenty of work for everyone. The rates would also be maintained. Those who choose to do 200 days plus have a lifestyle that will now be unsustainable if they don’t get the days, and will be the first to take a cut in rates and down the spiral we will go. Another advantage of less days is less divorces as the wife will remember what you look like


    I was pulled over by a State Trooper in Florida the other day. Apparently I was doing 90 in a 65. The Trooper said to me this is Friday and I’m off in 5 minutes. Tell me an original reason why you were speeding and I’ll let you go. I told him my wife ran off with a State Trooper 3 years ago and I was afraid he was bringing her back. The officer told me to have a nice day. 😈


    In these apparent uncertain times, if everyone averaged around 160 days a year, then there would be plenty of work for everyone. The rates would also be maintained. Those who choose to do 200 days plus have a lifestyle that will now be unsustainable if they don’t get the days, and will be the first to take a cut in rates and down the spiral we will go. Another advantage of less days is less divorces as the wife will remember what you look like

    Rabsky, are you a contractor/Agency?

    Scott Beveridge


    There are times of deluge and there are times of drought… it’s a slow start this year – albeit long…. I would much prefer the option of table pay grades / pay as in TIME / EXPERIENCE in xx # of vehicles. Makes a hell of a lot of sense… right now the pay has dropped by 50 – 75 GBP in 2 months ( not to mention the abysmal GBP forex rate…) . So, the idea of working less # of days is NOT on people’s minds… It’s turning into a freefall drop IN JUST 2 MONTHS. The companies (O&G) have the entire industry by the cajones right now….


    This is a no brainer…..ZZZZzzzzzzz

    Who gives a toss who works where or how many days they do or what they do with the money they earn……and what’s it got to do with anyone else??

    Does anyone really care about rates tables etc etc? There’s a pilot tech, sub eng, supv and supt, four grades finito. You get what you ask for, if you don’t like it then move on……..



    Over the last 10 yrs or so I’ve gone from doing 230+ days a year down to around 130 … Dayrate is higher and I’m not money hungry so I chose to work less but earn about the same (adjusted for inflation) So for me higher dayrate = less days…

    Of course if the dayrate drops and I want to maintain my current high standard of living I may have to do more days.. Thats the way it works.

    Yes it’s quiet at the moment .. Unless you want to do Nigeria or take a pay cut.. For me I’d rather relax at home.. still 10 Months left in the year and I only want four and a half Months work.. won’t be hard to find..

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