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Lets work australia waters!!!!

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    OK, who do i have to sleep with to get an australian work permit? The money down there appears to be as good as our domestic north sea market, except perhaps the weather/girlyy-girls/sand/beers are better!

    (Comparison was with banchory yesterday/aberdeen last weekend/torry beach this morning/tennents swill & stella artois!)

    Dunno, thought I’d chuck this one out there for discussion….anyone made the transition? I was at melby uni for a while and never really noticed much of the traditional "pomey baaaaaarr-staaard" slights….but what’s it like in the baknbeyond? Most of the antipodeans that come over seem to be ok, but perhaps they’re escaping?!?!?


    Nepotism or swallow jism!
    Only kidding 🙂

    If you can get through the BS good luck, the other hurdle is the new Maritime security Identification card( MISC)


    Andy Shiers

    To think 👿 ALL this bullshit to go and earn a crust in underworld 👿
    WHY can’t we do the same in Good ole Blighty 😕
    Instead of letting every Tom , Dick and Dick into the country ?
    Retina scanners , That would be good 🙂
    And a computer that black lists strange names 😆


    Aren’t they all uni0ned-up down there also?

    Andy Shiers

    I think so 😕
    Maybe an imput from Crover on this one ! 😀


    Yep the uni0n is the Australian Maritime Officers Uni)n.
    They only have a small membership but its growing.

    Andy Shiers

    Arse bandits club ? 😀


    here’s a funny story about work down under
    guy who has just completed an ROV course and gone offshore to do one swing of drill support was telling me the other day how his employer, (quite a large operator) had rung him to see if he would come out as night supervisor on his next swing.


    I hear TS Marine are offering tax free incentives to go there!

    Murray Blom

    Being a lucky bastard I can work in Aussie with out all that BS you NS Pussy cats need to go through but I would check out the tax angle before wasting dosh on immigration applications.

    Unless you really want to go and live in a decent country with clean skys, empty beaches, great education, cheap lifestyle, etc etc etc. I know I know, I should be slagging the place off as I’m a Kiwi but me sisters an Aussie so I have to be nice. I won’t suggest you try to immigrate (or even find ROV work) in NZ as the government has F..KED the place… that’s why I left 😀

    Don’t think there is many (if any) ways to claw anything back from the IRS man.

    Perhaps one of our Aussie brethern could enlighten us???


    If you work in Oz they will want you to pay australian tax, australian tax is up there with the worste in the world

    Andy Shiers

    How worste is that crusty 🙂


    These are the aussie
    Tax rates 2006-07

    Taxable income Tax on this income
    $0 – $6,000 Nil
    $6,001 – $25,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000
    $25,001 – $75,000 $2,850 plus 30c for each $1 over $25,000
    $75,001 – $150,000 $17,850 plus 40c for each $1 over $75,000
    Over $150,000 $47,850 plus 45c for each $1 over $150,000

    add 1.5% of your assessed tax as Medicare levy.

    You can get a decent accountant to work out legal dodges like a second rental house etc ,salary sacrifice to bring down your pre tax income etc

    Basically the cost of living compared to the UK is cheap, you will pay one aus dollar for what you can buy for a pound over there. ie a cup of coffee in west aus is $3, a pick up pizza is about $7. Decent Beer is $49 a carton of 24. A pint in a west oz pub is about $6 in Perth $ 8 in the north. A rub a and tug in the knocking shop is about $150- 200, doctors visit about $50, penicillin $ 25.


    I lived in oz for two years, mainly in Sydney. Wicked place, especially coming from the slums of northern England. Since they brought out GST in 2000 and after all the olympics hype, I found the cost of living start to rise, especially the property prices. All depends if you want to live amongst it or live in the sticks with the hillbillies. Quality lifestyle though. Throw another shrimp on the barby mate.


    One thing you will need to be is multiskilled if ya want a seat in Aus.

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