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Home Forums General General Board Libya

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  • #720
    Ray Shields

    Anyone been through Libya recently?

    Whats Customs like, any hassle with laptops, cameras etc? I assume FHMs etc should be avoided?


    Libyas fine.
    Best leave FHMs etc behind although there are plenty there.
    Laptops cameras no problem as long as you leave the camera in the bag in the airport as it doubles as a military base.
    Alchohol is a strict no no. Totally dry. Likewise pork, leave the bacon butties at home!!!!
    Also I have not been fleeced once. You can get some local currency in the airport.
    Plastic is virtually non existent so take a wedge of cash with you. Dollars or euros.
    Enjoy. If you get stuck for a day or so visit roman city of Sabratha, superb day out.
    The old walled city is worth a wander also the museum in the city centre.

    Ray Shields

    OK ta. Just wondered about the airport and customs/immigration people would be like, doubt I’ll be hanging about much. Me liver needs a drying out after the course anyway!

    Just popping down for a week for the Hunter manup, papa smurf will be going off next week so wont be able to catch up with him 😆


    How many Papa smurfs in the ROV industry?


    Only one real papa Smurf.
    Also known as Gargamol
    Also many years ago known as Captain Haddock!!!

    Ray Shields

    Captain Haddock!!

    Now you mention it I can picture it now 😆 😆


    Hi Ray,

    Captain Haddock, so Father Christmas is still there then? Phew!

    All the best,


    Ray Shields

    Hi Ray,

    Captain Haddock, so Father Christmas is still there then? Phew!

    All the best,


    Aye – until he retires or the sub gives up teh ghost – whichever happens first! he STILL has no regular back to back!


    Hi Ray,

    Hi, I’m amazed at that. Heres something though, apparently there will be a Fugro (ex rovtech) Olympian going on the back of the Rocky 2 in Malaysia, along with one of our XLs. As our big red shed will be in transit in late summer some of the tmrv guys on here, myself included, might be crewing the beasts. Particularly since we’ve already spent 6 months on the Kikeh job. Kings is rather a nice bar in Labuan there with lots of nice friendly young ladies. Have you heard out?

    all the best,


    Ray Shields

    Hi Ray,

    Hi, I’m amazed at that. Heres something though, apparently there will be a Fugro (ex rovtech) Olympian going on the back of the Rocky 2 in Malaysia, along with one of our XLs. As our big red shed will be in transit in late summer some of the tmrv guys on here, myself included, might be crewing the beasts. Particularly since we’ve already spent 6 months on the Kikeh job. Kings is rather a nice bar in Labuan there with lots of nice friendly young ladies. Have you heard out?

    all the best,


    AQh that will be Oly 1 at a guess, its sitting here in the workshop, its been given to Fugro Singapore, dunno when its due to leave. eally wierd squashed looking TMS from its ex trencher days.


    Hi Ray,

    Thanks for that confirmation. What sort of 7 function has it got? Has it got a T3 on it? Maybes you guys could ask Technip if they’d like a T3, I reckon they will say yes!

    All the best,



    Hi Ray,

    Thanks for that confirmation. What sort of 7 function has it got? Has it got a T3 on it? Maybes you guys could ask Technip if they’d like a T3, I reckon they will say yes!

    All the best,


    Hi is it going on as a trencher or a work class ROV?. I heard Technip needed a 1500 mtr ROV for Kikeh so i wonder is this it?.

    Ray Shields

    Its going in ROV mode, still has 3 vans tho, control, transformer and workshop. Has a TA40/Hydrus, no T3. We dont have any spare, theyre like rocking horse shyte just now.

    Wont be anything to do with us, it will be down to Singapore.


    Its going in ROV mode, still has 3 vans tho, control, transformer and workshop. Has a TA40/Hydrus, no T3. We dont have any spare, theyre like rocking horse shyte just now.

    Wont be anything to do with us, it will be down to Singapore.

    Probably fit in well with all the other flogged out things they have over there….


    so who’s is the XL belong to ❓
    thought the boys from OI were going back on the rocky2 ❓
    interesting 💡

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