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Living abroad

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    Andy Shiers

    Ok , This has been a question buzzing around my head for some time .
    I have met quite a few people who have become disgruntled with the Prat government we now have and have emigrated to get away from the Tax situation , oh and the stupid politically correct way life in the UK where a foreigner has more say than someone who has been born and bred here !
    How many ROV pilots have now left these shores in the last five to ten years ?

    Ray Shields

    I dont know if its available online, but there was a story in the Aberdeen P&J recently about a guy who followed all the rules regarding not being in the country more than 90 days an year etc. and claimed expat status for a few years.

    The Taxman decided that even though he followed the rules, he was not an expat as his wife and kids still lived here and he still had a house here. They decided that he did not "look" like he was an expat and now want all their tax money back.

    As the taxman can go back several years they may start investigating a few more people who claimed expat and try and get the money back off them.

    Back on your question I know about half a dozen, but they left to 1) not pay tax to anyone and 2) shag and drink themselves stupid in Thailand/Vietnam/Phillipines.


    i live abroad but for various reasons

    cost living is greatly less

    wifes from here

    doing lots of days offshore her family are near
    (a wise old tech said to me once a flower picked and moved to another garden doesnt bloom so well!?)

    now this country is tied with uk tax laws , so i dont work uk or if i do only 2 to 3 weeks max to keep under my tax break

    national insurance from 250-300 month is now … god dont know direct debit under 30quid probably….

    proper seasons , cheaper beer , cheaper cigarettes , but none of my reasons are

    oh and the stupid politically correct way life in the UK where a foreigner has more say than someone who has been born and bred here

    thats a bit BNP for me


    my accountant warned me of this a couple of years ago, that if your residence was uk the 90 day rule would be null and void it is going to catch people out. especially when you have family domicile in uk too

    i was never sure this was coming into play or just a ‘warning’. thats why get a postbox number elsewhere, fly to ireland get the ferry across etc etc…

    i had to prove for 2 years before sorting out expat ‘national insurance’ mind you the tax man was the same phoning and writing to my ‘new’ address but not believing i was an actual expat and not likely to return to the uk, which i think is another crucial factor….

    Andy Shiers

    So you live abroad then πŸ˜€


    Bought his own North Sea tax haven πŸ˜†



    I left the UK for purely political reasons (Blair/Bush, immigration). I paid very little tax whilst in UK, so you can count that out of my motives. I’m not really driven by money (quality of life is far more valuable!!), but as an added bonus, my money tends to go a lot further now. Smug? You’re ‘kin right I’m smug!!! πŸ˜€ 😳


    Weather, cost of living (A 100km train ticket is about Β£5 as apposed to Β£50, a meal for 2 is about 20 euros), a lack of a scummy underclass of people who seem to be taking over the country (For example the drug-dealing, Bulldog walking, gaunt scumbags seemingly increasing in numbers daily), affordable housing, family/community values, an increased likelyhood of getting F.E.D…. need I go on?

    Pick somewhere nice and do it!


    2) shag and drink themselves stupid in Thailand/Vietnam/Phillipines.

    Thanks a lot for that one…..


    I have been living away from Uk for near 6 years. Paying no tax, cheap but great quality of living. better weather and people seem happier and not moaning as much . πŸ˜€


    I have been living away from Uk for near 6 years. Paying no tax, cheap but great quality of living. better weather and people seem happier and not moaning as much . πŸ˜€

    Hi Star,

    where are you living? And how is it possible to not pay tax, wont you have to either pay to your old contry, or at least to the contry you are living in..?



    live in a country who doesnt want to tax you! i’m a temporary resident all official and as my money isnt earnt in this country tax man no wanty! yet….

    work where there is no tax agreement ie anywhere but bloody uk or europe

    sweetner if you can do it , get paid from uk lovely pounds nae $ … it is quite easy , i moved away from my home country to do it which isnt viable for a lot of people

    the net is closing on uk tax , using the word loosely ‘avoiders’ , we work denmark or norway we get hammered with excess tax which doesnt benefit us or get an allowance to cover it. you get paid highly but pay tax for greater benefits…

    its all relative ,



    Possibly the best way of living tax free and having a great life is to buy a freehold property in the Emirates………..you automatically get a residence visa! First, you should check that your own country has a tax treaty with the Emirates, then go ahead….live the life!

    Andy Shiers

    You got one there yet Baron ?


    Tax, πŸ‘Ώ don’t swear in here, have not been paying tax for 20 years, and I am not cheating.

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