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Logging Pilot Hours

Home Forums General General Board Logging Pilot Hours

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  • #23635

    When i was doing drill support the guys could get the hours they wanted when we was in, did not have to sit in TMS bubble watching.

    Andy Shiers

    Like I said , You WILL clock up the hours in this industry so who are you fooling when it comes to hours flying when actually the ROV is clamped to a wellhead or sitting under a TMS.
    It made me laugh when a guy who had spent three years on a particular rig of shetlands , doing wellhead workovers then bragged about the amount of hours he had flown , The scenerio – A pipeline that was coming from one direction and going to another joined to a manifold and a massive platform 60 m away , Nav screen , compass , a very capable ROV , slight current , reasonable viz on a DP vessel in 80 m of water 8)
    I got the impression he was trying to play draughts on the nav screen 😆 His idea of going to the seabed was Pile driving it at full vert down , looking down current and complaining of lack of viz , managed to wrap the umbilical around a T-mainfold causing the Ship to "run off" at the same time (Which meant a reterm) 😯 All in the space of 45 minutes ! Oh and he would not listen to any advice ! which totally and utterly pisses me off 👿
    To say he was not the most popular ROV guy ……………… Is an understatement and the client asked me to remove him , which I could not do due to our location and the Orifice stating that he was very good
    ( CV – many hours 😯 ) Bums on seats , prepared to come out cheap needed the work desperately ( I wonder why 🙄 )
    What an absolute Spanner ! 🙄
    So …… before you spout off ! Just think for a few seconds or a minute 🙄 Who are you fooling ? The hours will come ,
    just ……………………………….
    Don’t jump the gun ! In this industry , things for some reason , have an uncanny way of coming round and biting you in the ass 😀

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