Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Looking for some advice..

Looking for some advice..

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Looking for some advice..

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    Hey guys I have been reading this board for a long while and a question came to mind that I would hope someone can answer for me.

    I am looking to get a start in the ROV world, and I know that I’m not going to just land a job with ROVS like some people like to think without putting some time into my education.

    I am currently finnishing up the second year of a 2 year electronics technican course which covers DC/AC fundamentals, Digital/Sequential Logic, Solid State Circuits, Motor Control, Electric Machines, PLCs, Analog/Digital communications, microprocessor programming/applications, along with some soldering. The course is about 50/50 theory/hands on the first year and a bit more hands on then theory the 2nd.

    I guess with all that being said, I would like to know if you guys could point me in the direction towards a good Hydraulics course which I could take when I finnish the training I’m doing now. Hope someone could help me out a bit with this. Thanks guys.



    Just read through the boards, there are on average 1-2 postings like this/day.

    There are free online courses you can do for Hydraulics, also, look at Banff & Buchan college of further education in Fraserburgh (scotland), i hear they do a half decent intro to Hydraulics on 3 – 5 day course.


    RovGuy, with the qualifications you have now i would apply to the companys now. Most if not all companys are taking on, and im sure with the tickets you have now that they would be intrested.

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