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    Hey guys been browsing the site for a few days now and found it very helpful!! I’m wanting to go into rov sector but my relative who works offshore says that there is too many guys going into rovs, is this true? Also is there any companies running any apprenticeship schemes?
    all comments are welcome, thanks!!


    Your relative is correct every man and his dog is getting into the industry just now, butcher baker candlestick maker. So in a few years time when there is an industry down turn there will be a lot of guys wishing they had stayed where they were.


    will there be any demand in the future for divers?

    Christopher Tyson


    How do you know there will be a downturn soon when companies are building new ships and purchasing new and greater number of equipment?

    What facts do you base this on?

    With oil & gas reserves diminishing on land, isn’t it logical to tap into those known resources and still unexplored offshore and at greater depths?

    Are comments like these designed to discourage newbies, and therefore keep demand and wages high for experienced pilot tech?


    I think you’ll find the big players are not building new ships they are chartering them from shipping companies, Sclub new builds are charters from DOF and Forland, Acergy new builds are charters from DOF and Solstad and that includes DSV’s, same with Technip They are chartering from DOF and Solstad and when last did Technip charter a DSV, Canyon are chartering from Olympic as are a few others, Saipem, well all there vessels are shite so enough said on that. OI, i hear they have chartered a few from Bourbon offshore.
    Purchasing new equipment means nothing, yes they do need it at the moment but they will always be high value assets to keep the bank happy,
    I totally agree that we need loads of trainees and new blood in the industry, so the comment was not designed to discourage, but you got to face facts that the subsea oil and gas industry is about as reliable as a babies bum.


    Of course we need a lot of trainees, but there is allready a lot of new people, would you go out on a 3 man team with 2 brand new traniees??

    Ray Shields

    Of course we need a lot of trainees, but there is allready a lot of new people, would you go out on a 3 man team with 2 brand new traniees??

    Brand new trannies? Is that the radio type or the ladyboy type?

    I dont think I’d want to be on your 3 man team if its the latter… 😯 😯 😯 😀

    However, Lostboy might join that uni0n!


    Oh I smell a war brewing………………… 😆


    Andy Shiers

    No war 🙂
    I would not want to mess with Ray from Scotland 😕
    Would you want to war with a bloke who wears a skirt and thinks it is normal 😯


    any experienced guys got any suggestions for a boy with the rest of his life ahead of him? not sure what sector to go into in the offshore industry? fancy diving but there is too many guys doing the course and not getting the work


    didnt mean to start a war by asking a simple question!

    James McLauchlan

    didnt mean to start a war by asking a simple question!

    It was a simple question and should have received a few simple answers. It just seems that some people can’t manage that.

    If you have a mechanical or Electrical/Electronic background or are training in any of those areas then make moves to get into the industry.
    If you turn out any good you will survive any ‘downturn’ when it comes.. and it will, but my guess is not any time in the next 5 years or so.


    Of course we need a lot of trainees, but there is allready a lot of new people, would you go out on a 3 man team with 2 brand new traniees??

    Brand new trannies? Is that the radio type or the ladyboy type?

    I dont think I’d want to be on your 3 man team if its the latter… 😯 😯 😯 😀

    However, Lostboy might join that uni0n!

    Sorry about the spelling.
    Do you really wear a skirt?? maybe you should join that uni0n you talk about


    simple answer to your question is, don’t do a course unless a company is willing to pay to put you through it or they have promised you a job if you put yourself through it, don’t leave your current employment to persue a career in ROV, send out your CV to all the companies about 2-3 times a year that way you might get lucky when they are looking for a few trainees, the company i work for gets about 25 CV’s a week from guys looking for a start as a trainee, ranging from guys that have the right credentials to complete and utter muppets who think they have a chance as they heard about someone who used to be a butcher that got into the industry 20 years ago, things have hopfully changed a little now, so that will give you an idea of how many good guys there are out there looking for a start.
    And if you don’t have the right credentials ie, Electronics/Hydraulics/Electrical, then go back to college and get the right credentials and then start sending the CV out again.

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