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Lost IMCA logbook…..?????!!!!!

Home Forums General General Board Lost IMCA logbook…..?????!!!!!

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    Coming back from work last week one of my bags was lost at Thieifrow,
    Ok its insured but my IMCA logbook with 3years+ info, competancies ,etc was lost . I have already got another Logbook from IMCA but will I have to start all the info again or will i be avble to get people to refill all the lost details .Mind you i have been all over the last 3 years ,SS7,Fugro,OC, Helix,Hallin so it wont be easy.

    any sensible ideas????

    Scott Beveridge

    Horse…barn door…. close are 3 words that come to mind dude.

    I suppose when one has time on ones offtime one could pdf the lot as proof. Anyone do this? or Does anyone know of folks that do this? Probably a good idea…


    I’ve kept my IMCA books up to date for years and have never been asked once to show them to anyone other than the cert renewal company.

    If you have your certification renewed (some expire some don’t depending on where you get them) then you have to show your books as part of the deal, so if you have certification then you should be fine to log from the point you lost the books.

    Can’t say I’d be too worried. Being well known by several companies goes a lot further than a few pages of logs.


    Ray Shields

    I was about to say that – over all these years has anyone ever wante to see your "log books". What use are they, anyone can fill them in and anyone else can sign them as being your Supervisor.

    Survival certs etc. is another thing, should always have copies of them.



    top tip for you.

    Always carry important documents in your man bag, you should never put stuff like that in hold luggage. So sorry no sympathy and you deserve all you got. 😥


    Very constructive boroman.


    I wouldn’t worry too much. I moved between three different companies back in 1999-2001. They were all running their own versions of the IMCA scheme, each slightly different than the other. Needless to say, the weren’t interested in my book or any competnacies from the other companies.

    So I ended up with 3 books, all with different junk in them. Stopped filling any of them in at that point

    When it was very quiet in 2003-04, a very well known agency started quoting silly low rates to me as my competancies ‘were only for a pilot tech’ (which I was grandfathered in at in 1998).

    I contacted IMCA direct to see if there was anyway I could tie together all my different books. Short answer was no. They’d been looking into it, but the ROV companies were completely against it. Don’t think it has changed much since then.

    As Ray keeps pointing out, IMCA is a body created entirely for the betterment of the companies. They finace it and lay down its operating rules. As such, they couldn’t give a rats arse about individuals following any competancy scheme based around their ‘guidelines for ROV techs’.


    I was on a job in Borneo for Shell Borneo, they wanted to see my book, also they wanted people withe at least 5 years in the game.


    I have only been asked for my Logbook and competencies etc once and that was not by any ROV company,agency or employer but the client on a job in ME who wanted to see all the ROV guys logbooks ,we handed them over and he left them unread and untouched next to his coffee machine getting stained for 3 weeks and then handed them back.

    I have Emailed some of my old supervisors and if and when I meet up with them they will happily re-endorse the new book , but it seems not to be such a big deal…as to Boromans helpful comment ..yes i should have kept it with all my other documents on my person …but sh1T happens !

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