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  • #2015
    James McLauchlan

    Anyone have any experience of the Lyyn type video enhancement system?


    best regards
    James Mc



    purchased one after seeing a demonstration in an office however it was completely useless in real time. It might clean up video slightly (and i mean slightly) after being recorded but putting it in line to clean up real time visual is a waste of money



    No problemo, just toss it in the storeroom with the other useless junk (dodgey DVD players that always jam up, your brother in law’s inspection system, all those clapped out ROV’s from Houston and Aberdeen, foam ROV gizits, and giant pink plastic alarm clock safety awards).

    by the way JW, have i got a deal for you a 1969 fiat bambina, last owned by a little old lady only used it to go to church on sunday, comes complete with intregral mini bar . Just the bit of gear for a man of your discerning tastes


    Great, thanks for the helpful input.


    James McLauchlan


    purchased one after seeing a demonstration in an office however it was completely useless in real time. It might clean up video slightly (and i mean slightly) after being recorded but putting it in line to clean up real time visual is a waste of money



    Thanks for the response. Constructive feedback is always useful when asking for input on this kind of thing. Much appreciated.

    In what form did the office demonstration take place?

    best regards
    James Mc

    James McLauchlan

    I notice that Deepocean have evaluated the unit using the SeaOwl ROV on the Normand Flower. It appears they achieved reasonable results.


    Those videos are recorded in the Asgard and Snohvit field.
    The recording in the Asgard field was done at a depth of appr 300m and there’s a work class hero at the left which should give extra light to the Sea Owl.
    Normally you have a clear vision in the Norwegian waters so I assume the green border has been added by Lyyn.

    Sea Owl on YouTube:


    And this is Lyyn promoting itself on YouTube:

    James McLauchlan

    Thanks for the input & links Ronald :tup:

    Alex Kerr

    James, I used the Lynn on a hot tapping project and found it to be no help at all, as a matter of fact a raw low light Kongsberg image was at least as good if not better, it appeared that the Lynn induced greying out of the surroundings of the enhanced image was the only thing that made the image seem "enhanced".
    Or put another way-"throw it in the back of the store with the other bits and pieces that you might need a "bit" from sometime" 😉 😉

    Craig Thorngren

    I’ve used a Lynn system on several jobs and found it to be quite helpful. At first i was a little frustrated with it because i wasn’t getting the results you see in youtube or other videos.
    Through trial and error i was able to get some really good video improvements. The biggest problem i had was no patience… When selecting the setting (I’m not sure what they call it, gain seems to be appropriate though) let the system sit there for a 5-10 seconds before switching to the next setting. For some reason it takes a wee bit of time for everything to catch up so to speak. Those what are looking for the instant results just have to wait a bit and they’ll get them.
    Also, if you play with your light intensity alot, you’ll have to adjust the Lynn system as well.


    James McLauchlan

    Thanks for the input.

    Here at ROVworld Lda, Portugal, we now have a sales demo unit (Lyyn T38). I played with the T38 system quite a bit at the Nauticampo 2009 exhibition in Lisbon. Our company exhibited at the show for the full 9 days.

    The T38 enhanced video we were playing back from a NETmc Marine 73Fify Peli DVR unit onto a big screen TV. There was, without doubt, an improvement over the original video playback quality as we had both screens running side by side. This dispelled any doubt in my mind about the area of screen not being enhance by the T38 being electronically greyed out somehow to make the enhanced window look better, which was suggested above at some point I believe.

    Along with the AC-ROV Micro ROV and NETmc Peli DVR’s we are now also an appointed reseller of the Lyyn units here in Portugal.

    In addition we have a ready to go Micro ROV system (complete with a Peli DVR and Lyyn T38) available for ops should anyone need a Micro ROV deployed somewhere on this planet in a hurry.
    Before those of you consider commenting on the lack of go in these things consider trying to get a work class ROV through a 190mm opening or hand carrying any other ROV system in a single case with a system weight of 18KG ……. think again. The expression Horses for courses springs to mind.

    More info at

    best regards
    James Mc

    Andy Shiers

    Horses for courses maybe ( this does relate to the topic Ie your last input )
    I worked with MiniRovers in the Early eighties , They were considered ( at the time to be the smallest and most efficient ROV around , 18 inches wide 10 inches high and 31 inches length )
    Most projects I was involved with was to do with small pipes , mainly fresh water , Artesian wells , water companies etc.
    The biggest problem I had was lack of viz , The smaller the pipe the worse the viz. I’m not counting viz drop due to thrusters but flowing water.
    Just thought I’d mention it 🙄

    Craig Thorngren

    Lack of vis has always been a concern, as well as positioning with your inspection/micro ROV’s. In the last few years though there have been tremendous improvements in both area’s. BlueView Technologies sonar are on just about every ROV (I don’t think the AC ROV has had one on it yet) from the smallest to the the largest. The imagery is amazing. As for posistioning, the newest item I’ve had a chance to use is the Smart Tether by KCF Technoloiges. I don’t profess to understand all the workings of the Smart Tether, but it does give you amazingly accurtate positions (within 2 meters was my estimate).


    James McLauchlan

    Trying to pack all this technology into a portable system is no easy task. A good few companies are taking up on the Lyyn systems and offering them as optional add-ons or actually building the Lyyn OEM Hawk board into their systems. It’s one way of compensating for the limited camera options that can be squeezed into a micro ROV system due to limited space available.

    Micro ROV positioning systems are also something that many Micro ROV manufacturers are bringing out.

    best regards
    James Mc

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