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    James McLauchlan

    "retired clown for now" well at least you know what you are! good to know,

    why not stay retired and do us all a favor.

    Looks like we are back at kiddies corner again!

    If you have a personal problem with someone this Forum is NOT the place to air it.

    Discuss a thread/topic by all means but please do not directly attack individuals here, especially by name.

    We had a spate of this a while back and I thought it had died out, obviously not!

    In the Forum rules it clearly states:

    Language – Do not use offensive language.
    We are here for people of all ages, and want everyone to feel comfortable. Offensive language constitutes as profanity, racial, ethnic, and gender based insults or any other personal discriminations, and posts meant to offend or hurt any other members or their work.
    If you need to say something do it sensibly with facts, not with insults.
    If you have an issue with a members language or attitude on this website please alert Admin by PM or via the feedback form.
    If the website Admin deem any posts as offensive then the members account in question may be deleted from the site without warning.
    In particular, if it is deemed that you have directly insulted another member your account will most probably be deleted.


    Well I can vouch for Ben….
    I did 12yrs in forces and was looking for a break into the offshore industry working with ROV’s… Ben (Who doesn’t work with trainees) gave me some pointers and a couple of names to try and this was back in Sept 07….. I’d had no luck and was starting to wonder wether or not to stay in the forces!!!
    Ben kept my details and got in touch 2 weeks ago with a couple of possible openings…..
    Just to let you all know I start work in April and its all down to the help and advice from this guy….
    I wish him all the best for the future and if I ever get to meet him I will attempt to make him drink his own bodyweight in his favourite tipple!!!
    Thanks again mate 😆

    Andy Shiers

    Where are you working on salary now Beagle ?
    Just curious 🙂


    I’ll be in India mate…
    check your PM
    Beagle 😆


    I’ll be in India mate…
    check your PM
    Beagle 😆

    India? excellent! thats a excellent place to start your rov life! the joys you will have there!

    IF IT COMES OFF…….dont hold your breath!! a start date in APRIL?? glad to see your the only person in the industry who can secure a job so far in the future, well done m8! you may start a trend!!! …….or perhaps not.



    sorry if i have broken the rules,

    but all i am trying to point out is that these "agents" pop up whenever the there is a busy time, then the second it goes slow he / they will vanish like snow in the spring, and if you stick with the long term players they will 9 times out of 10 do there best to keep you going,

    but as we all know if you are mr new agent you will be last to get any jobs to fill, thus they go back to supplying whatever else they can, be it cooks , truck drivers or whatever, and leave whoever they have hanging on the phone, "big job staring next month in india m8"……then, "sorry m8 its slipped a few weeks, keep on my books though in case i get a job in though" your the top of my list m8!!

    i have seen them come and i will see them go.

    "retired clown for now" well at least you know what you are! good to know,

    why not stay retired and do us all a favor.

    Looks like we are back at kiddies corner again!

    If you have a personal problem with someone this Forum is NOT the place to air it.

    Discuss a thread/topic by all means but please do not directly attack individuals here, especially by name.

    We had a spate of this a while back and I thought it had died out, obviously not!

    In the Forum rules it clearly states:

    Language – Do not use offensive language.
    We are here for people of all ages, and want everyone to feel comfortable. Offensive language constitutes as profanity, racial, ethnic, and gender based insults or any other personal discriminations, and posts meant to offend or hurt any other members or their work.
    If you need to say something do it sensibly with facts, not with insults.
    If you have an issue with a members language or attitude on this website please alert Admin by PM or via the feedback form.
    If the website Admin deem any posts as offensive then the members account in question may be deleted from the site without warning.
    In particular, if it is deemed that you have directly insulted another member your account will most probably be deleted.

    😳 😳

    Andy Shiers

    And let that be a lesson to you h20mrv 👿
    You bad boy , you
    Now open wide 😈

    James McLauchlan


    They are like all agencies and the people that work for them. I tried that once years ago as a fill in one winter (in the land based electronics recruitment area) it was not a job that suited me at all for many reasons. Cold calling being on of them.

    Yes agencies come and go, they all do in the end… either they fail or end up being taken over by a bigger company which no longer makes them a user friendly agency.

    Anyway… thanks for taking the time to explain the reasoning behind your posts. I may not agree with all of them but that’s my prerogative.

    To all else… please take time to read the Forum rules… They were introduced to help prevent problems such as this.



    Who are you working for in India, one of the big players, i was supposed to go there with TS Marine,but that all fell through. 😥


    I have a start with a seismic survey company…I know its not ROV’s but it’s "a foot in the door" as they intend to start their own ROV opperations in the future as they contract them in at the moment…
    I was just giving Ben some good press as he kept me in mind for a number of possible jobs even though the last time I spoke to him was Sept 07!!
    I’m staill waiting on a trainee pilot tech opening in singapore and Ben gave me all the relevant info on that and he’s done more for me in 3 emails than my consultant from the forces did in 9 months!!
    I could have gone earlier but the company are paying for my 5day COET and medicals and I still need to go and hand in my Army I’D card in my old camp!!!
    I thought the Clown comment was a bit of a low blow… as Ive had nothing but good advice off this site
    I’ll be working in India…like I said hopefully it will put me in good stead for ROV operations in the future…
    All the best and play nice you lot!!!!


    best of luck m8, but why not try a REAL agent who has been around for more than 10 mins, how long did the mansell guy last? a year? and in your own words "i have not heard from him since september"

    would you not be better getting your own rgit and medical and pounding the doors if you want to get in to rov? if you go with the boomers you may get stuck there,

    try iain petrie @ hpruk 01464 851122 and ask to talk to HIM he is a long term agent and he can sometimes place new guys, he got me my start a long long time ago when men were men and things were made of wood,
    and i know of 3 guys he got a start last year,

    and he does not have a big red nose, flower that squirts water, or size 30 shoes and work in a ring falling over unlike "some" AND he will be there in time and not vanish like buns at smoko, and one more thing, you can call him right now, whats ben doons number? silly me he has not started his new "operation" yet, how is the rov industry surviving? perhaps they are using the big boys?

    best of luck whatever you do.

    Andy Shiers

    For a minute there , I thought you were on a comission 🙂


    just call me mr 10% !!!!


    Hang on a minute, You are advising going to the big companies yet I have been agency working on and off for eight years and have never heard of the one you mention.

    With respect to Mansell recruitment. They are a reasonable sized agency who are filling out into what can only be described as a growth area. Good luck to them. They incidently offered me a lot of work in the past couple of months although I was not in a position to take it.

    Also as an after thought I used UKPS for a long time but after reading some of the other threads regarding tax returns I know I would certainly need a lot of clarification off them before I went back.

    Competition is what drives rates up so the more agencies fighting for the few people who are available for work can only be a good thing. In the quiet times it does not matter how big your company is everyone gets hurt financially to a degree. It is just the smaller companies who fail or are bought out first.

    Have a nice day y’ all.

    Oh and as for work in India it is the same as everywhere else the food is bad but the climate is fantastic.

    Yeah port calls are not as good as Monaco or Rio but you cannot have everything in life.

    Visag or Bust

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