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  • #15719
    Andy Shiers

    Well now , Lucky Jim , this is where ……………………………if you have been a merc’ for ex amount of years , You would know of Mr Ian Petrie 8)
    He has been around since the wheel 🙂
    Along with other such agencies as ABC recruitment or…………… Manta or……….. The one where he is best known as……………….. Maris offshore ltd .


    I worked through agencies for 22 years in Telecomms at the beginning there was about 10 good agencies …by 1999 there was over 200 and today there are probably only 10 .

    Telecomm boomed and a lot of cowboys started in on the agency gig.Today its a dead end ,only permy jobs at half the money offered 10 years ago.

    Good agents are rare .


    I think a lot of you are missing the point here.
    Mansell group are an agency who find employment over a wide sector and not just the ROV sector.
    Ben Burns was probably just a guy who worked in the offiice and seen this site as an opening, probably when he was board and registered just like the rest of us have.
    I’m sure Mansell will still be aroud recruiting long after Ben goes to his new adventure 😀



    iain petrie used to run maris for 10 years until he went out on his own 4 years ago as hpruk, he is well known and respected in his field without a doubt, also he is now bigger than maris!

    this guy ben has been in the biz for about a year and now he has vanished, and i quote " the girl in the office will try and keep going" at mansell, she wont know her seaeye form her glass eye! and doubtless they will bring in some "keen young chap" to replace that ben dude who will be on the phone offering the moon and stars if we will go with him, until he vanishes, and so on and so on……..

    ukps / proffs / maris / hpuk / hydrosub how long has nina been there? years!! ect ect ect they will be there tomorrow……unlike some

    Andy Shiers

    Funny that 😀
    I have been registered with Hydrosub for years and years 🙄
    They only ring up and have work for me when I am away 😕
    Funny ole game ………………………… in it ?


    indeed, i am the same o lost one………

    Andy Shiers

    What 😯 Same ole funny game 😕
    How’s about sending me a PM and telling me how life is aboard the ‘Good Ship ‘Lollipop’ and Capitarno Pugwash 😀 or are you still walking the gangplank to ‘Four Floors’ 😯

    Ray Shields

    I maybe got it wrong but I thought Mansell was a recrcuitment firm, NOT an Agency. i.e. they did all the preliminary finding of people for a job and passed the shortlist to the Client, getting paid a percentage to do it – as opposed to finding people work and taking a regular cut of their wage.
    (oops, just seen Prophet just wrote the same thing!)

    Even so, Im sure Mansell will continue, Im sure Mansell are a large competent company in their field, just not so well known in the offshore field.

    And I hope people will continue to report their experiences of good and bad Agencies here on the site so that we can all be better informed when it comes to handing over money for nothing (ok, for very little!)

    With the UKPS stushie over tax starting to come back and haunt a lot of people, I can see some of the other Agencies getting more work!


    Good Luck Ben, hope you do well down under. If you do come back into the business again give me a yell. 8)


    Ian Petrie is not to be trusted. A good few years ago he didn’t pay quite a lot of guys saying that he didn’t have bank details etc. Avoid at all costs,.

    Andy Shiers

    I never had a problem with 😕
    I think one of the reasons he left was because he was being dictated to by people higher above 😯


    Ian Petrie is not to be trusted. A good few years ago he didn’t pay quite a lot of guys saying that he didn’t have bank details etc. Avoid at all costs,.

    TOTAL CRAP, i have worked with iain for 11 years and have NEVER had a problem with him, EVER.


    I am not locating to NZ or Australia, yet. I am just going out there too see family and weigh up my current situation. There may be a few interesting things just around the corner.


    Scott Beveridge

    I am not locating to NZ or Australia, yet. I am just going out there too see family and weigh up my current situation. There may be a few interesting things just around the corner.


    Hey Ben,

    See you’re not biting to some of the semantics here. 😆 😆

    Was in Sidders just before the skies broke. Bring your wellies! Have a good trip.


    Wow, I mention not ever hearing of an agency and now we are having a silly argument about the owner being trusted or not.

    Ray is right Mansell do seem to specialise in recruitment as oppossed to direct agency working for long periods.

    Lets get this into perspective though. At some point every agency and every company screw up an individuals or group of individuals wages that may be for a days pay or a months pay but it happens. I have seen it at UKPS personally and they seem to be very good when it comes to paying people.

    I have heard about it happening to many company staff to.

    And no I have never heard of the Ian Petrie after eight years of agency working. Although in fairness I do have have C.V’s logged with Maris.

    Fact of the matter is to many people give out advise on this site with no facts to support them. They have feelings about something or an opinon and express it as fact.

    I can catagorically support Mansell in terms of they have offered me work with a couple of major companies. They day rate was a little low so I did not take the work.

    Just like I know Benn has left Mansell which may see them drop off the ROV radar now but it is not because they have failed as a company.

    There is a constant negative vibe running through the site to anything new. Anyone who comes on with a question about starting out seems to get borderline abuse because they asked the same question as someone else did six months and 200 threads ago.

    A new agency or agency entering the industry sector advertises and the old school come out in force to put them down and protect there mates who now work at Maris or where ever else.

    This is in my opinon an exciting time in the industry. Plenty of work, loads of new blood and companies. Rates are on the up and new countries are opening up to work in. So why there is still so much bitching going on I do not know.

    Are the old school marching on to retirement and starting to get really scared of change????????????????????????????

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