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  • #15734
    Andy Shiers

    No , It’s the RAF 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    Nope, I, myself am definitely not afraid of change – especially if it’s in the way of a pay packet!!!! 😉

    People vent off their frustrations here… So be it. Some people take the piss, others give it, and some bite… It’s a forum
    On the other side of the coin there IS many positive posts as well as some very good tech advice / links.

    Freedom of speech (within reason and posting rules) – keep it coming!


    I, for one am not afraid of new guys coming in,

    i have a problem when after 3 weeks they think they are top guns and strutting around and demanding more wedge, the top bunk, ect ect

    when i told somebody to wind his neck in a bit as he knew NOTHING about real world flying he told me, and i quote…….

    "why should i listen to you? " I HAVE BEEN TO FORT WILLIAM "!!!!

    well. thats the way forward then!! after all, wtf do i know!!

    and as for mansel recruitment, has ANYBODY had a call lately? HMMMM??

    Scott Beveridge


    Hmmmm… I suppose I’ll have to start vetting the lads’ CV’s / backgrounds a bit more!! Guess I’ll have to cross out FW’s…. Wonder if the lads who went to these courses realize that we, as supvs. & supts. put in required reports on the lads’ progress???


    I wonder how Mr Wilkes is doing now…


    i have a problem when after 3 weeks they think they are top guns and strutting around and demanding more wedge, the top bunk,

    I’ve never met anyone who wants the top bunk. It’s usually the other way around, a rush to get in the cabin first to get the bottom bunk.

    Easier to get up from there in the middle of the night if you need to go for a piss. 😀


    silly me!! i made a boob!! writers block!! 🙂

    i though up was down and down was up!!

    Andy Shiers

    Silly Scotsman 😀
    Anyway , bottom bunk is all well and good because you can just slip out of ya grot without leaving your bollocks behind 😳 like I nearly did on the Mayo all those years ago and there is more of a chance you have curtains , BUT 🙂 Because the bottom bunk is the most slept in means the top bunk matteress is more comfortable and you can throw things down to the snoring Jockenese underneath more easily than having to lob things ‘over the wall’ so to speak 😀
    No Doubt Mr ‘Gurner’ Wilks will be surfacing this year as a fully fledged experienced Pilot/Tech on the Merc’ circuit 🙂
    God help us 🙄
    Still 🙂 When he F#*ks – up 😯 It will make me look even better 😀


    I always take the top bunk an old sailor once told me that P**s always runs down hill. That is my main consideration when picking a bunk. Especially if the cabin buddy is a bit old.

    Andy Shiers

    Yep 🙂 sounds like h20mrv alright ……………………..
    Old , snores and suffers from incontinence 😀


    oi!!! i am in my prime!!!

    Andy Shiers



    I have been contacted twice since Ben left the fold of Mansell. Still at home and waiting for a job to materialize! Or even a phone interview!:oops:


    dont hold your breath m8, try iain petrie @ hpruk.co.uk
    or steve at compass offshore in huston.

    Andy Shiers

    Or ………………………….. The delectable curvatious Claire Pearson at SubServePro

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