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  • #15749

    Hi guys,
    just had the mispleasure of trying out! for a well advertised company, no agency involved. This turned out to be a trip from hell, two vehicles on a small barge and 10+ locals to launch and recover—– no winches, totally handraulic, umbilicals too short and damaged beyond repair. All the other stuff was okay but situation was not comfortable. I have worked for agencies for a little while and at least the pay check is on date, this company I just worked for has to approve all my costs,hotel,air fare and taxis in some office far away——1 month for a cheque, all the agencies I have been with have ensured payment within 3 days of invoice. I am happy to work with Ben or other people as they are on this site regularily and advertise a number of jobs available.
    Beware of a nice e-mail and the promises to come , 3000 pound out of pocket and not happy, Polo.

    Andy Birchall

    Well, if anyone wants to try an ex FW trainee who knows he knows jack sh!t, give me a shout. I just want to learn, not give my pride a work out.

    Ray Shields

    Hi guys,
    just had the mispleasure of trying out! for a well advertised company, no agency involved. This turned out to be a trip from hell, two vehicles on a small barge and 10+ locals to launch and recover—– no winches, totally handraulic, umbilicals too short and damaged beyond repair. All the other stuff was okay but situation was not comfortable. I have worked for agencies for a little while and at least the pay check is on date, this company I just worked for has to approve all my costs,hotel,air fare and taxis in some office far away——1 month for a cheque, all the agencies I have been with have ensured payment within 3 days of invoice. I am happy to work with Ben or other people as they are on this site regularily and advertise a number of jobs available.
    Beware of a nice e-mail and the promises to come , 3000 pound out of pocket and not happy, Polo.

    So name and shame then – thats what this site is here for. If they are that bad you are not going to work for them again anyway, so help out your fellow ROVvers and help them avoid them!

    Andy Shiers

    Yeah 😈
    Like Dulam 😕 If you want to be short changed go and work for them 😯


    Hey Ben

    hope you are doing alright

    And a hope that you remember me
    we spoke to each other a couple of time..
    good to know that you are alright


    Hi guys,
    just had the mispleasure of trying out! for a well advertised company, no agency involved. This turned out to be a trip from hell, two vehicles on a small barge and 10+ locals to launch and recover—– no winches, totally handraulic, umbilicals too short and damaged beyond repair. All the other stuff was okay but situation was not comfortable. I have worked for agencies for a little while and at least the pay check is on date, this company I just worked for has to approve all my costs,hotel,air fare and taxis in some office far away——1 month for a cheque, all the agencies I have been with have ensured payment within 3 days of invoice. I am happy to work with Ben or other people as they are on this site regularily and advertise a number of jobs available.
    Beware of a nice e-mail and the promises to come , 3000 pound out of pocket and not happy, Polo.

    Yes, Sir
    Come on give us a name or do you want others to do the same



    Before accepting any contract I always ask questions (rate, conditions, vessel, team, experience, job type, ROV system, client etc etc) and do some background research. So far, this has ensured that I don’t end up on jobs like the one you mentioned.


    Andy Shiers

    Unfortunately , Even after discussing the rates and even put down on paper , Some companies still go back on their word 🙁
    These are the companies which are in countries afar that don’t give a toss about personnel. ( Like Dulam ) The best way of making sure it does not happen is using an Agency as a buffer zone.
    They might take a cut but atleast you get paid on time and in full.
    It is not in the Agency’s interest to screw you as they depend on you coming back through them for more contracts in the future 🙂

    Scott Beveridge


    So, am I to understand this as you will be going agency again? Interesting intit?


    Lostboy said:

    Unfortunately , Even after discussing the rates and even put down on paper , Some companies still go back on their word
    These are the companies which are in countries afar that don’t give a toss about personnel. ( Like Dulam ) The best way of making sure it does not happen is using an Agency as a buffer zone.
    They might take a cut but atleast you get paid on time and in full.
    It is not in the Agency’s interest to screw you as they depend on you coming back through them for more contracts in the future

    There is another way to avoid that crap companies. Let everybody knows about them using this or others forum like this.
    Every one can read about a negative experience on this forum and, even the involved conpany, can steer back to the right way or remain in their positions if they can get personnel to keep f……

    Let’s call them with they’re real name!!!!!! 👿

    Andy Shiers

    I have no problems going through agencies 🙂
    As long as You apprieciate that they WILL take their cut on YOUR earnings 🙁 That’s the bad side to Agencies 😕 Also depending on whether the agency is greedy and trying to milk it , BUT they will get found out and loose their ‘Geese’ 😈
    The plus side is as I stated before , Atleast there is more chance of getting all your payments and on time if you go through them 🙂
    BUT……………………… If the agency screws you around stick it on this Forum so that everyone can see who they are as well as ROV operators , Like Dulam 😈


    I too was a regular with UKPS and not a peep since the new merger.

    Although I have scored work from Ben I am having to look at more avenues of work……considering the industry is busy you are making a valid point.

    Alpesh Kapadia


    Shall i get chance to get work as u/w insp. controller to work with ur organisation.

    I m available for work.

    can u pls give me ur contact details, so i can send u my Details.


    ALpesh Kapadia



    Shall i get chance to get work as u/w insp. controller to work with ur organisation.

    I m available for work.

    can u pls give me ur contact details, so i can send u my Details.


    ALpesh Kapadia

    Are you having a laugh??? or are you just a half wit? try cox and danks out of lyness in orkney, i here they have a big contract to salvage some german ships………

    as for…….

    I am happy to work with Ben or other people as they are on this site regularily and advertise a number of jobs available.

    As i said, he has vanished like snow on a summers day, but worry not, a new " Rov recruitment expert" will pop up tomorrow (and vanish just as fast)

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