Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion meds ($600 a day supervisor)

meds ($600 a day supervisor)

Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion meds ($600 a day supervisor)

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    touching up on with a few guys were talking about them paying $600 a day as supervisor, these people are a straight up joke..
    select oil and gas came to me with this position and I had excepted it just to go down to work in Italy, sent them all my certifications keep in mind I’ve been working at superintendent level for about 6yrs now.. they come at me wanting a pilot tech certification after a week of submitting everything?? so i go back to my previous employer that i hadn’t worked for in 7yrs and got a signed letter from them saying that i completed all competency’s with them 7yrs ago to make supervisor, so all was fine, after another week.. this weekend they wanted my water survival which i used down there last year in Italy and I wake up this morning and have an email from select oil and gas saying they wont accept it but if i have other certs they will take it in to consideration?? keep in mind i signed a contract to accept this job and all. This goes to show you a contract these days don’t mean shit!!
    so i just told them to f**koff with this bullshit because i was already doing them a favor by going out there as supervisor for 250 to 300 less than what i usually go out for, them all this bullshit !! its not worth the hassle.. so my advice to whomever receives this job offer don’t mess with them because they are a real shady company

    anyone ever worked for these clowns before?

    Roy Simson

    Well I contacted MEDs direct and they were happy to pay $800 this was to work with there Sea Eye Lynx on the Altus Optimus .

    But the first agency to phone me made the silly offer of $600 USD , Second Agency made the offer of $650 but got it up to $700 USD however no were near $800 so $200 difference that’s £117 or for a 6 week trip £4914 almost 5k missing from your day rate .

    Agency’s are a safe way to work when your working for company’s with a bad history of late payment or Non payment however if the company is ok then its best to work direct as many of us do . Yes it was Oil and Gas with the $600 and Worldwide-rs with $700 but Oil & Gas seem to be getting a lot of flak
    on Face Book as well .


     Filename: altus_optimus_specs_106.pdf



    Well you have two Mickey Mouse outfits there in one MEDS and that Select oil and gas.

    No wonder you got problems.

    Meds have offered me in the past a low day rate and that select oil and gas just got a one worded reply last time I was asked how much I wanted.

    Agents and companies like that are best avoided.

    And to work for MEDS direct would be a risk in my book.


    keep in mind I’ve been working at superintendent level for about 6yrs now

    doing them a favor by going out there as supervisor for 250 to 300 less than what i usually go out for

    YOU my friend are the clown. IF you are a Superintendent with this level of Numptiness then there is no hope for the future of this industry. 😡

    Andy Shiers

    How long has this Oil and Gas Agency been operating for "ROV Pilots " ?

    James McLauchlan

    keep in mind I’ve been working at superintendent level for about 6yrs now

    doing them a favor by going out there as supervisor for 250 to 300 less than what i usually go out for

    YOU my friend are the clown. IF you are a Superintendent with this level of Numptiness then there is no hope for the future of this industry. 😡

    Calling the OP a clown doesn’t exactly help the discussion does it?

    No matter what the OP’s reasons for accepting the day rate, or your thoughts on them as a person, the discussion should be allowed to continue at adult level. Slagging people off achieves nothing and will likely deter people from posting in future.

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