Home Forums General General Board Merry xmas, yer arse !!!

Merry xmas, yer arse !!!

Home Forums General General Board Merry xmas, yer arse !!!

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  • #2085

    Seasons n whatnot to all, especially those found to be at sea during the festive period !!

    If anyone catches sight of an overweight, boozed up, grey-haired norwegian in a furry white and red felt suit on a skid being dragged around the skies by a couple of hill-wandering beasties please update on position as I’ve tried to be a good lad this year and expecting a delivery !!

    Be good !!

    Ewan McKen

    Merry Christmas All!

    Ray Shields

    Merry Christmas!

    Ho Ho Ho 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    A belated (it’s end of Boxing day / no more hangover – for now) Mary Xmas to all!


    Merry Christmas All. Better late then never!!


    Merry Xmas to all and I hope a prosperous 2009…we just got our internet back on this tub (Mcdermott) after 5 days and still no phones .but the crane is busted again so we are still dockside in Dubai for another 2 weeks on full pay (hooray)

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