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Moving to Oz ??

Home Forums General General Board Moving to Oz ??

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    Ive been toying with the idea of moving to Oz for a long time now but ive decided I want to move sooner rather than later. Ive been employed with one of the major ROV companys since the start of the year, having worked with the same company in the survey departent for the previous 2 and a half years. In the current climate am i likely to get work in Oz as a pilot/tech or am i better leaving it for a while. What is the current situation with work in Oz.


    May be a good idea to Check if you Qaulify for Skilled Migration First.



    Might be worth a thought trying to work out what categories give you the best points.


    Im an Electronics engineer to trade so that gives me 60 points seemingly. No criminal back ground… bla bla. Im pretty sure if i had work offered to me, they would have no reason to refuse me entry to the country.

    Fair play to the Ozzies. They dont let any zoomer in. Unlike our country!!


    There is Different ways to work in Aus

    1 is you get your Migration Visa yourself go there Look for work.

    2 is try to get Sponsorship then you are tied to the Company and have to wait a few years to change the Visa to be free and get Permenant Visa.

    3 is Business Visa which you can work on Limited mind you.

    So unless you know of Any Company offering option 2 your best option would be Number 1.

    It takes several Months mind you to complete Number one.
    If you are serious then Option one is the Best Bet.

    You can then also just live there and work Overseas in Asia and Middles East Africa anyway if you dont get a Start in Aus Straight away.




    I’m curious as well as to what is going on down in Oz. Am hearing that everyone is gizzing in their pants over this Gorgon project in the West and then there is the usual subsea work in Bass Straight and Timor Sea but don’t know who’s out there doing it to it.

    The usual suspects are stacking up their systems in Singapore for the rest of the year, so what’s the go down under? Hearing all the talk about big bucks and plenty of work but when does it kick off?….


    I always thought the easiest way to get in was to have a Criminal Record, dont they welcome you with open arms if you have one 😀


    Presuming you qualify for a working holiday visa (under 30 i think) this is by far the easiest way to enter the country INITALLY and work. Takes about 24hrs to get the visa online.

    Bear in mind tho you’ll get hit for a slightly higher rate of tax as a non-resident and technically your only allowed to work for 1 employer for 6 months (your visa will only be valid for a year) but there’s ways round this.

    If you like it over here its far easy i think to get sponorship from an employer for a 457 visa or if you qualify a more permanent visa. Bear in mind if your on a 457 visa and fall out with your employer for whatever reason you’ve only got a limited time to get new sponorship or you get booted out, so if you qualify better to go down the independant route.

    This is the way i came over to Oz, lots of people think WHM visas are just for backpackers but its the easiest, cheapest visa to get. Kinda try before you buy 🙂


    from http://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/content.asp?doc=/content/36280.htm

    examples of residency in OZ

    Kate – a visitor, working and living in one place

    Kate is from Ireland and entered Australia on a working holiday visa in July 2004. She intended to, and did in fact, stay in Sydney for most of the twelve months she was in Australia. Kate is close to her brother who has migrated to Australia and lives in Sydney.

    Kate had one ten day holiday travelling up the east coast just after arriving in Sydney, and another two week holiday at Byron Bay in January 2005. She spent the last three weeks of her stay in Australia travelling around Western Australia.

    Kate lived in share accommodation at one location for four weeks in Sydney and share accommodation at another location in Sydney for ten months. Kate’s name was put on the lease and she made a part contribution to the bond. She also purchased her bed, other bedroom furniture and a fridge.

    Kate worked in coffee shops and restaurants throughout the whole period she was in Sydney. Kate joined a library, the Irish club and a water polo club while staying in Sydney.

    Outcome: why is Kate a resident?

    Kate’s intention was to reside and live in one location. Kate’s behaviour and abode for 11 out of the 12 months exhibited the attributes of a place of residence as contrasted with overnight, weekly, monthly or transitory accommodation of a traveller. By living and working in close proximity to her brother and establishing links in the community by joining the local library and membership of two local clubs, Kate demonstrated her family and social ties.

    Kate’s behaviour during the time spent in Australia reflects a degree of continuity, routine or habit that is consistent with residing here.


    the simple fact is once you live IN THE ONE LOCATION & work IN THE ONE LOCATION for a minimum of 6 months you are considered resident and pay resident tax. other issues can enter into it, but these are the basic requirements.

    Geoff Stratton

    Dear Grassyscones,
    Yes the ROV work load looks like increasing again.
    If your interested in ROV work down Oz, try : TS Marine, DOF, Fugro, Tamboritha, Subsea7 or TMT, all in Perth.
    Be aware that the Ozzie tax rate will hurt you! 🙁

    Cheers rayban


    don’t forget your mint sauce ( awwwzie deodorant)

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