Home Forums General General Board need feedback on design ps3 hand controller for eyeballs

need feedback on design ps3 hand controller for eyeballs

Home Forums General General Board need feedback on design ps3 hand controller for eyeballs

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  • #2137

    Hi, im looking into making a mod kit to plug a PS3 hand controller into some types of eyeball ROV, ive had some feed back already ( 😕 ) but i want to know the consensus to see if its worth doing. the unit will plug in inplace of the original hand controller.


    This uses a PS2 controller:-))


    Personally would prefer the Microsoft xbox360 wireless controller. No idea to get the interface right with an existing system but Microsoft has been using National Instruments LabView and PXI for reliable comms. You might want to browse their websites for further info.

    Stephen Black

    I have used the Navajo with the play station controller

    These types of controllers are to fiddley. Takes too long to change the function of the buttons.

    They are not robust enough to stand the treatment of an offshore tiger

    You just cannot beat a switch that goes click – you know its changed state

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