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Neptune Marine Services Perth??

Home Forums General General Board Neptune Marine Services Perth??

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  • #14183
    Scott Beveridge

    elad1986 wrote:
    You may be correct. My sources actually conflict eachother-one says April 09 and the other says sometime around mid year next year depending on contrac……………………………………………………….. worked with them in the Bass Strait & NW Shelf so I only know how they go outside of Oz.

    scotbeve wrote:
    Define "huge" dude….

    Well Scott I’d say they are the biggest of the grouters in Aus and NZ.


    That’s better than being "grafters". 😆 😆 😆


    Usually a closed shop down under, but….. sometimes…… it happens. Re: supply / demand.


    scotbeve wrote:

    That’s better than being "grafters". Laughing Laughing Laughing

    that’s true Scott 8)


    sorry for sticking my nose into this industry forum.

    i’m in no way connected to this industry, but are an extremely keen follower of industry developments thru my NMS investment.

    obviously the reason for NMS seeking ROV’s is to utilise with their NEPSYS system (permanent underwater welding) – i am wondering if anyone here can tell me how the NEPSYS system could be possibly utilised with a ROV.
    and true ROV’s may have other purposes within NMS group of companies.

    hopefully i can gain further appreciation thru this forum.



    obviously the reason for NMS seeking ROV’s is to utilise with their NEPSYS system (permanent underwater welding) – i am wondering if anyone here can tell me how the NEPSYS system could be possibly utilised with a ROV.
    and true ROV’s may have other purposes within NMS group of companies.



    ROV’s are not capable of welding underwater and NEPSYS is heavily weighted towards diving (although it uses an innovative small workpiece habitat rather than a complete diver enclosed one. The intuitive dexterity of diver/welders and 3 dimensional spatial awareness can not be achieved using ROV’s although at some point in the future this technology may become a reality with simulators etc but not now. The ROV’s that Neptune are getting along with the vessels they are eyeing off are (i would think) to capture a share of the construction market in Australia and in Sth East Asia like barge work, maybe exploration drill support etc. In any event an aggressive approach to growth by acquisition as this company has shown is usually good for the share prices…..


    Donnie Cameron

    Anybody want to rent my ROV deployed welding system? 😀

    Andy Shiers

    I beg to differ there 😕
    I seem to recall and Dan can help me out here ,
    Sonsub ( Original Sonsub that is , before we were taken over by ……………….Oceaneering 😡 and buggered it 😯 ) managed to weld under water using a challenger back in the late eighties in Aberdeen.
    I’m not sure how much of a success it was but considering that was nearly twenty years ago maybe with new techno n’ all , there maybe a more practicable method on the scene now 🙂

    Scott Beveridge


    SubSea Intl. also tried it in the late 80’s.


    thanks for the input guys – greatly appreciated.

    to my understanding, the latest update regarding NEPSYS was it was capable to depths of 100m – apparently about the depth of the shallow areas of GOM.
    this was some time ago though.
    there recent planned expansion into the north sea obviously requires greater depths being achieved, and possibly similar thru asia,africa etc.

    would i be correct in assuming ROV’s become more & more complex machines if the greater depths are required ?

    Andy Shiers


    Scott Beveridge


    Absolutely…. the engineering involved with deeper-water O & G requires much more subsea intervention than shallow water endeavors. Eg: GE put out a manipulator that was UNREAL – something that should have been in the Hollywood movies for the time it was manufactured (I used it during a couple of hitches for marine biology research stuff…). Alas, budgets dictated that it was un-feasible / un-marketable and it was shelved for awhile.. (more info to come as I’ve not kept up with the news on it…)

    Scott Beveridge

    Additional comment… contained-automated -welding COULD be done by ROV’s….

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