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New to ROV

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New to ROV

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    Hi Guys/ girls This is my first post hopefully the start of many more. I have been looking at this web site for ages now and I must admit had a bit of a chuckle now and then with the responses.
    I have just been accepted to do the ROV course in Fremantle Australia ($7900.00 dollars later) and I hope to have at least a foot into a new and challenging career in the ROV world.
    I have been with the Navy for the last 20 years and have a background in Aviation Mechanical for the last 8 years and seamanship for the previous 12. I have at least have a background in Hydro Mechanics with Helicopters and also have the basics for the BOSIT from the Navy. Now comes the big part finding a job and gain experience to go up in the world.
    I have been hearing all the stories of big pay etc so I checked out the pay site and it seems quite good. But then again seeing on paper and in the bank are two totally different things.
    Well hope to get out and about and have a bit of fun maybe but hard work always comes first so I have been told.
    Catch you later.

    😀 😀

    Andy Shiers

    Yep , Get out and enjoy your self 😀
    Oh and don’t work with other Auzzies as they are a whinging bunch muppets 😀


    Yep , Get out and enjoy your self 😀
    Oh and don’t work with other Auzzies as they are a whinging bunch muppets 😀

    Ignore this twat..If you have 6 hours to spare go and read some of this guy’s verbal diarrhia:


    And remember what Confucius say "Man with big mouth, have small #enis"

    Andy Shiers

    You so funny …….. 😀

    Andy Shiers

    I disagree with the direction this industry is heading in.

    Originally, when I came into the ROV industry you had to have a trade, either Mechanical or Electrical, and correct me if I am wrong but this is still what IMCA promotes.

    I know the industry needs people at the moment, but to fill it with people who have come off 2 – 4 week in house training courses is not the way to go.

    If companies were prepared to pay the money, then they would attract good trade qualified personel.

    Good point there 😀


    I disagree with the direction this industry is heading in.

    Originally, when I came into the ROV industry you had to have a trade, either Mechanical or Electrical, and correct me if I am wrong but this is still what IMCA promotes.

    I know the industry needs people at the moment, but to fill it with people who have come off 2 – 4 week in house training courses is not the way to go.

    If companies were prepared to pay the money, then they would attract good trade qualified personel.

    Good point there 😀

    I just read this Post and I am bit "lost" on what you are trying to put across here Lostboy. This new guy does have a trade, offshore experirnce in the Navy, and just wants to do the training course to get a foot in the door.

    Besides, the Navy will probably pay for the training anyway, so he is not wasting any money.

    Navy guy, PM me and I can put you on touch with some companies that may be interested in starting you as a trainee after you complete the course.


    😀 😀

    G’Day guys / girls

    Well it seems that I have opened a can of verbal worms now doesn’t it. Lostboy must be pullin the piss as Aussies are thick skinned and maybe needs a holiday but that is another thing. 8)
    Thanks for any help that is greatly appreciated I can tell you. After 20+ years in the Puss and feeling out of touch with the normality in life this I feel is a step in the right direction. 🙂
    As the course in Aust requires a trade background maybe we can avoid the main gripe from alot of people who don’t know there way around any sort of rig??? 😉
    As they say anwone can learn how to do something eventually!!! 😯
    It is after that people could get hurt..

    Anyway thanks again for a good chuckle and lets keep it friendly.




    tiger1969, cant understand why your doing an ROV course when you have them qualifications? No matter what they tell you the courses offer a veri minimal insight into the industry, you will finish the course thinking you know alot more, but beleive you me after a couple of years in the industry you will understand what im talking about. Have you tried just applying to the companys before doing the course? Alot, especialy Oceaneering run their own course, that way you will be getting payed to do the course rather than paying for it?


    😀 😀

    G’Day backeyeburner

    Well as I have been in the Navy for so long they will pay for the course as a way to transition into the Real World. 😕
    I am also doing this course whilst still being paid by the Navy. Admittedly yes with the skills I have I could probably get a job, but with the Navy footing the bill well why not. Then I might not go as a Trainee at the very start. 😆
    I have recieved some of the course literature and it goes a whole lot deeper into hydraulics then I did in the Navy so it will be benifical in the long run. 😉



    Hi Tiger 1969.Been in the SA Navy for 11 years and I know how you feel.Just completed my trainee ship in Abhu Dhabi and I can tell you for old Navy boys it is no problem at all.Just go knock on sum doors my friend!

    Ray Shields

    😀 😀
    I have recieved some of the course literature and it goes a whole lot deeper into hydraulics then I did in the Navy so it will be benifical in the long run. 😉


    Belive me when I say you WILL be starting as a Trainee no matter what courses or ROV schools you have gone to. No matter what any of the Schools tell you, all you get is a taster or introduction to ROVs. Do not believe any school that says you will be a Pilot Tech/Pilot Tech 2 when you leave – you wont.

    With the Navy paying for it then yes it is a good idea. Why not!


    😀 😀
    G’Day Guys

    Well I have completed the ROV course at Fremantle TAFE with Bill Evans. Yes some people knock the course but for me it opened up my eyes to what happens out there. To say all you do is just ring and be persistant is true. I rang TMT in Pert WA on tuesday morning had an interview that afternoon and a start on Thursday as a trainee. 😀

    Hopefully this is the start of a long and enjoyable career change. 😀

    So to all and sundry that are looking this website is a real big help, yes we have those who pull the piss but we all need a reality check sometimes. Anyway thanks to this web site I am now doing something bigger and better than the Navy. 😀

    Cheers Guys hope to see you out there.. 8)


    Good luck Mate,
    I hope you are going to have a long career in the industry!

    S. 😉

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