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    Try taking some common sense! I question if you are right for the offshore world if you need to ask on an internet forum what you should take offshore.

    Try thinking for yourself.

    Oh white no sugar!!

    good day…i am dudz…a newbie here…and as an upcoming ROV Tech..this will be my first time to go onboard…I would like to ask what are the things to bring excluding your personal things on board…will i be needing a jacket or what???


    ***well the i guess you have to read it all over again…if you are looking for something or want o have an idea of some matter…dont you go to your laptop or PC to search the net? answerable by yes or no by your common sense… πŸ˜‰


    You also need enough wash gear for twice as long as your office say the trip will be just in case.

    thanks to you too


    xxx – bollocks.

    never shoot a guy for asking friggin questions. a clever guy realises when he needs to ask questions. If that happens before you go off to the platform, then great !

    thanks bro!!!

    Andy Shiers

    Well , Newbie Dudz , with a Z πŸ˜€
    The company you are working for should have given you the info needed in the way of toothbrush !
    Maybe if you asked the secretary what to bring besides the issued PPE
    ( which usually includes Jacket ) or the projects manager . They are usually helpful in the dressing area.
    Since you are working on a Global vessel , Don’t forget the condoms’ Slippers dressinggown ( for when you have to go outside for fire drill ) and jock itch powder.
    I hope that helps


    Well , Newbie Dudz , with a Z πŸ˜€
    The company you are working for should have given you the info needed in the way of toothbrush !
    Maybe if you asked the secretary what to bring besides the issued PPE
    ( which usually includes Jacket ) or the projects manager . They are usually helpful in the dressing area.
    Since you are working on a Global vessel , Don’t forget the condoms’ Slippers dressinggown ( for when you have to go outside for fire drill ) and jock itch powder.
    I hope that helps

    thanks bro…it will be a great help…i’ll kept that in mind. thanks again!!!


    condoms, and lots of them, local are crap, STI and unwanted pregnancy are common


    There was always a box of condoms behind the bar in the Officers Lounge. Or ask the medic he will give you as many as you want or need .
    (if its Pistol pete, the mad SA 2nd mate he will happily supply you with neccesary antibiotics should you need them!)

    But on a serious note GMS should give you an induction before you join the vessel (are you joining as a JST ? if so you will be doing your jointing or rov course before you join the ship surely.) Glad to hear they are recruiting again , you will certainly know your way round an ST 200 by the time you have done a few trips (except "flying" of course, that will be a whole new learning curve when you finally realise that whilst everything is fine and dandy there is a lot more money to be made in the oil & gas sector).

    Enjoy yourself , i did for five odd years , then went to work! πŸ™„


    dudz, dont be put off by the experts un-helpfull advise. Of course these guys never went offshore for the first time. They now have a few weeks experience, sit in the galley with the right people, and when you get onboard will show off and talk to the most popular people, ie, company man, OIM, driller etc. And they wont have a clue as to who they are, you can tell cos they will refer to him as mate, not knowing his name.
    Best advise mate is ask the company where your first job is, then find out what you need (if your going somwhere hot, your not gona need a sheepskin jacket, get my drift?) after your first trip you should know the ins and outs.
    Take not of Savante and more so luckyjim37, that has happend to all of us!!

    Bill Evans

    If you take electrical equipment (MP3 player, laptop etc) make sure you take the correct adaptor for the vessel elec system.
    I like to have a small torch next to my bunk (the first time you are on a vessel where the power goes out during an alarm you’ll know why).
    Take an alarm clock – no-one likes a late arrival on shift.
    keep a spare set of overalls in your locker – sometimes it’s nice to get dry during a wet shift.
    Take a USB memory stick to gather good technical information from others. (many guys seem to take massive hard drives to gather porn).
    Keep good records of the work you do towards meeting competency requirements – check your company requirements for this.There is no harm in gathering more evidence than required-it may come in handy at a later stage.
    Expect any good clothes you take to come out of the washer smaller and a uniform grey colour.
    Take a good book or two.
    Take a DVD or two.
    Take current newspapers with you (in your bag-not on the chopper) the vessel often doesn’t supply them.
    Have a great time and remember, attitude isn’t the main thing – it’s the only thing.


    a vessel where the power goes out during an alarm

    Jeepers dude, I am hoping they dont do drills in the dark…incredibly dangerous!!!

    Ray Shields

    a vessel where the power goes out during an alarm

    Jeepers dude, I am hoping they dont do drills in the dark…incredibly dangerous!!!

    He didnt say drill, he said alarm – meaning if its for real! The worst I ever had was someone waking me up wearing a lifejacket starting the conversation with "I dont want to alarm you but…."

    I think I was dressed and out in 5 seconds πŸ™‚

    Bill Evans

    My first was on a seismic ship and the engine room had a fire so we had to muster on deck then go into the accommodation looking for a mising steward (he went to the wrong muster point and kept quiet when his name wasn’t called!).
    The very next night an alarm went off and I was dressed in about 5 secs, lifejacket over shoulder bowling out of the cabin in a hurry. It was only when I saw the bleary eyes of the guy in the next cabin looking out at me that I realised it was my smoke detector going off because the battery had run low!

    Gina McLauchlan


    I agree with rovtrain…

    – Make sure you have enough power adaptors (most vessels have European 2 pin plug system), plus it’s worth having an extra one.
    – An alarm clock and spare batteries is a must, being late for shift isn’t a good idea. Remember, if you fly out to the vessel by helicopter they don’t like you to take mobile phones, unless you pack them in your bag.
    – USB stick or two or possibly an external hard drive, also worth taking a few blank DVD/CD’s for extra info you want to keep. You’ll probably build up your collection of music, movies and TV shows!
    – Books, are a good time passer while you’re off shift, or if you get weathered in. There is usually a library onboard, but, not always easy to find something to your taste.
    – Take a small bag or rucksack to put all the things you might need while you’re on shift. (Book, PC, USB stick, dry socks/ t-shirt are a good start.) As you’ll probably be sharing a cabin, so it’ll be off limits while you’re on shift.

    Hope that helps


    I think there may be a serious issue with working attitudes if the first thing guys advise a new guy to take offshore is a box of condoms.

    When I pack I normally have:

    Two pairs working shorts/Track suit bottoms,
    Three tshirts
    A decent shirt in case of port call and travelling
    six pairs of sock and knicks (you will lose some)

    Two big shampoos two big shower gels and a large tube of tooth paste.

    After that it depends on the climate. Big jumpers or coats that kind of thing.

    Always take a us and european power adaptor as a min.

    Sun cream and plenty of any medication you are on if any.

    Something to read. I normally take a laptop or PSP for entertainment.

    Depending on your company you may need a white shirt and tie but your office will advise this is getting rarer.

    You should check regarding a gym as you may want to take some sports gear.

    Also I tend to carry some dollars euros and pounds I have found some ships will only take certain currencies at the bond (shop for fags and other sometimes chocolate and washgear).

    Hope this is helpful.


    remeber you will get a bill for the food the day you leave.

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