Home Forums General General Board Nigeria- Just don’t go there

Nigeria- Just don’t go there

Home Forums General General Board Nigeria- Just don’t go there

  • This topic has 7 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by K2.
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  • #839

    They have now started abducting toddlers http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/6272676.stm

    Have any of the guys who work there got the balls to say how much they get for risking their necks. Don’t get me wrong, you guys have bollocks the size of an elephant to work there.

    There is no way on God’s earth I would entertain going there, I would rather go hungry and live in cardboard city. I am just interested to know what these companies pay to get blokes out there.

    Scott Beveridge

    They have now started abducting toddlers http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/6272676.stm

    Have any of the guys who work there got the balls to say how much they get for risking their necks. Don’t get me wrong, you guys have bollocks the size of an elephant to work there.

    There is no way on God’s earth I would entertain going there, I would rather go hungry and live in cardboard city. I am just interested to know what these companies pay to get blokes out there.

    US $1100 ++ / per day for seniors but don’t go!!!! You’ll die!!!! Star take note: please go (for your GBP 280 / day).


    It used to be worth about £8,000 to me a year to go. No more its tonto in PH now. Maybe go back after the next military uprising and the streets have been washed clean with the blood of the locals. Cynical i know but that’s the way it goes down there.

    Scott Beveridge

    It used to be worth about £8,000 to me a year to go. No more its tonto in PH now. Maybe go back after the next military uprising and the streets have been washed clean with the blood of the locals.

    Ouch!!! A true merc!!!


    280 a day… hell i wish. its about 248 🙁

    😕 😥


    Beverage you’ll be ok in Nigeria….Stetson,pointy boots and twin sisters(Not to be confused with what you have just paid for in some seedy bar)

    If challenged just pop a cap in their arse…..yee haa!


    US $1100 ++ / per day for seniors but don’t go!!!! You’ll die!!!! Star take note: please go (for your GBP 280 / day).

    I’ve been to Nigeria before but with the right security I can’t say I found it any less dangerous than walking the streets of my native province.
    But I would like to ask you a favour seriously can you give me the details of the company that is paying US$1100, is this one off or is it for a long term contract work 😀 😀 😀



    £££ a day for sitting on a boat in the Carribean, Thailand, Singapore, Japan………..


    Let me think for a micro second………Naaaaa


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