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Ocean Lube Lite

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  • #22741
    Jason Garic


    Oil Field Industry

    Grignard has extensive experience solving tough lubrication and corrosion problems for the oil industry, both onshore and offshore. We understand the demanding requirements imposed by these extreme environments and applications. We’ve visited drill rigs, talked with engineers and technicians, and seen firsthand what works…and what doesn’t.

    The result is a comprehensive set of products for the oil field industry developed in our labs and proven in the field.

    Grignard products for the oil field industry include the following:
    Thermoplastic Grease for extreme lubrication and water sealant
    D-2 Corrosion Inhibitor
    Unsurpassed corrosion protection for all metal surfaces, onshore or offshore

    I believe Oceaneering uses OLLD8 for initial cable coating. The 8 stands for the concentration, i.e. 8x additives.

    Maintenance is OLLD2, which is usually applied with a paint roller on each rap. When the cable appears dry, re-apply. Time between applications depends on dive frequency.

    No injection needed as the product will work it’s way into the umbilical over time.

    OLLD4 was used at one time. Not sure whey they stopped making it.

    I don’t think you can pump this product. It needs to be agitated before use to mix the additives that settle during storage. Some of you that have use this before have seen that when you over agitate or pump the product, it turns into "mayonaisse" and is impossible to handle until it settles back into it’s natural state. So the best form of application is a paint roller.

    5 gallon pails…….$100-$150….


    We’re using TEF2000 from Apex Industrial Chemicals Ltd on our armoured Nexans umbilicals.

    [code:1]A special lubricant fluid, especially designed for applications where high film strength coupled with low viscosity may be critical. Ideal especially for situations involving plastics/metal contact, slow speed sliding of metals, rubbing or chafing, etc. An excellent penetrating lubricant for wire ropes.

    Versatile TEF2000 will remove water from metal surfaces and provides medium to long term protection against corrosion, even in coastal or offshore environments. For added lubrication even in extreme pressures, also contains smooth micro-spheres of P.T.F.E. This product also, therefore, possesses excellent non-stick and anti-chatter properties – highly desirable in slow-speed sliding applications.

    Ideal for use by engineering concerns, motor mechanics,electrical engineers, repair men, etc.[/code:1]

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