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Oceaneering Interview advice

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Oceaneering Interview advice

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  • #31086
    Nathan Rusden

    They don’t advertise they don’t need to. Just send your cv to them. Don’t reckon they will be recruiting again until next year


    I just applied via the website, on the careers section. If you look on there now they are advertising for Junior Pilot Tech’s for Jurong, Singapore. The search engine doesn’t work so you’ll just have to scroll through it all.

    They just take on all year round Charlie, as far as I know they don’t really have a set recruitment period.

    grant lindsay

    Hi people,

    Thanks for all the help and support, I was offered the job yesterday! Buzzing! Start training in batam on 22nd October.

    When I originally applied I just fished email addresses from the website and contacted them direct, I think that Singapore position has been up for a very long time with no intention to fill. I applied for it well before this and had no reply whatsoever, it was the direct email that got me going in the right direction.

    Thanks again

    Nathan Rusden

    Well done mate, good luck with the course

    Mike McEwan

    They are still adverising the Singapore jobs internally so i think the positions do exist. I wonder if they are looking for locals?


    They are still adverising the Singapore jobs internally so i think the positions do exist. I wonder if they are looking for locals?

    I know an irish guy who messaged me on here was taken on in Singapore Mike, and I know a Scot who was interviewed but didn’t get it, the reason being that although the electronic knowledge was good, they didnt have enough hydraulic knowledge. Seemed a bit weird to me, most people I’ve met have expertise in one or the other, not both when they first start.

    John Devanney

    If you dont mind me asking Gareth. What was/is your starting salary as a Trainee?

    Thanks, John


    PM’d you John

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