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Oceaneering………the bad guys !????

Home Forums General General Board Oceaneering………the bad guys !????

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    Scott Garvey

    You know , as I go through the old threads I get a def. feeling every one hates Oceaneering . I worked for them for a year in the Gulf and they seemed ok to me…low pay …but ok as far as other stuff. But WTF do I know , they are the only ones I wor 🙁 ked for…are they really that bad as far as the rep goes !!!!!????????? Garve..dumb yankee



    Most of the ill will towards oceaneering comes from former – and current- employees of what used to be their Aberdeen branch, which is now split between Aberdeen and dubai.

    The attitude some of the office staff had towards offshore people was ridiculous. Mainly of the ‘your just trained monkeys – we can get 10 of you tommorrow by clicking our fingers’ variety. Which was probably true, but didn’t promote any kind of good attitude towards the company.

    Their belief in the superiority of the their own ROVs – magnums and Milleniums- certainly didn’t help matters. Magnums were little better than big eyeballs, and somewhat less usefull. Milleniums are a bit better, but no where near on par with the best coming from other firms.

    I’ve lost count of the number of times in the last couple of years that I’ve heard of other firms being drafted in to complete (in some cases, to entirely do) construction contracts Oceaneering have attempted to take on, only for the client to find they did’t have the equipment or the skills.

    But I will hold my hand up to being a wee bit biased – I was fired by them a number of years ago for showing ‘a lack of respect to the company’ – something I thought was a company requirement.


    Oceaneering Singapore are handicapped by crap systems,lack of spares and support and a dont care attitude of many of their senior employees as well as lots of cheap charley tricks as well as many supervisors who are really still only trainees. But arnt some of their rival just as bad ?.


    i worked for abz a few years ago and hated totaly hated it, but i beleve they are a lot better now, and the training is very good,

    so not all bad.

    Andrew Macbeth

    I worked with them for 18months, I cant really fault them bar pay. But they gave me the start in the game so if it wasnt for them ad not b where a am now.

    There was a crackin assitant tech manager there Mark Sleesor but he is with Sonsub now. there r some good guys with them but I had to leave!!! Little bit of trouble in Nigeria 🙄 not my fault lol


    Same here, I started at Oceaneering and I took ever course they had. ROV Elec, ROV Advance elec, ROV hydraulic, Supervisor course, ROV piloting. And optained severals years of ROV experience in all of the course area’s.
    Thanks to OII giving me a shoot.
    However, there are some area’s about the company I do not agree on. In which I will not discuss.

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