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  • #22325
    James McLauchlan

    I think that would bring some of the Ol’ boys back again 😀
    Mind you , James has already stated that he dosena want that type of thing on his forum and people should go elsewhere , which believe……………………….. People have done 😕

    The people that have gone elsewhere may have done so because they found out that posting crap was not acceptable around here. Disruptive influences are not wanted full stop.
    We have forum rules. These days we have enforced those rules because so many individuals were starting to see this Forum as a place where they can say what they wish, where they wish, and post abusive comments about others in the game. Over the last few years the posting style has changed from a group of relatively sensible people, wishing to discuss the ROV industry as a whole and have the odd laugh along the way, to a marked increase of inane kiddie type posts.

    Yes, I have mentioned that we don’t want:

    • Posts that seems to be designed to disrupt threads
    • Threads disrupted by stupid/childish comments.
    • Threads hijacked by people suddenly trying to change the topic rather than start a new topic.
    • People trying to flog stuff that have nothing to do with offshore (like cheapo watches etc.).
    • People trying to pose as agencies for illegal purposes.

    All of the above is common sense stuff.

    This forum is here as an extra to the main website. It’s here to enable people to discuss ROV issues should they so wish to. It is not here as a place for people to bicker and back stab each other, which has happened quite a bit of late. Years back people were clever enough to keep all that crap offshore and leave it at that. Now it seems that some people seem to find it acceptable to bring those issues out on a public forum. I disagree.

    In the first 5 years of operation we banned nobody. In the last couple of years we have banned around 5 people. Something has changed with respect to the types of members we now have, but one thing for sure the site will stay ROV orientated and not be forced into allowing childish crap and comments to prevail in an attempt to keep membership up, or people posting.

    It is not a requirement for people to join this website when they start working offshore. I know for a fact that many people don’t, but those that do will have had the chance to read the site rules before they join as they are open to public view. If they do not like the rules then they a free to leave and join another forum to discuss what ever they want.

    All the best
    James Mc


    I see what you’re saying but you manage to reply to every dodgy comment any way with usually a small paragraph about the post.

    If its bad then you delete the post and person sometimes which I guess is work you do checking the forum because not much slips by these days.

    So it still must be a cut and paste either way so & so wrote etc and as I said doesn’t matter what goes in OFF TOPIC or whether it makes sense that’s the fun about the section.

    Don’t need to send posts over I guess maybe just use it as is, OFF TOPIC.

    Any hoo I past by OI ABZ the other day (none work & not affiliated) and there was at least 4 full systems in the yard where there hasn’t been any for 2 years at least!!!

    James McLauchlan

    I see what you’re saying but you manage to reply to every dodgy comment any way with usually a small paragraph about the post.

    With respect to the above, not quite on the mark as often miss stuff so people send me PM’s when someone is out of line and it’s getting out of hand.

    When we started the first version of ROVworld.com, about 10 years back, we were living in Thailand and both working offshore so we both had plenty of time to dedicate to the site although there were admin gaps when both of us were offshore at the same time.

    These days we live in Portugal and only Gina is working offshore, I now run two other companies down here and keep up on the admin for this site as and when I can.

    It’s mainly a lack of time issue, on my part, and will not improve as time passes.

    As I said I’ll try and flip stuff over to the ‘Off Topic’ section when I can, but I will not be trawling the whole forum on a daily basis.

    If someone sensible wants to volunteer to help in that respect then that could be an option. PM me if interested.

    best regards
    James Mc


    I had a nip across to the other site ROV TEA SHACK
    and it was full of posts!!!


    By one person to the site Admin Inovator05

    Any guesses



    Ewan McKen

    What can I say!

    It seemed like a good idea at the time.


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