Home Forums General General Board OIL Up this year – Divers pay up also – ROV pay going down!

OIL Up this year – Divers pay up also – ROV pay going down!

Home Forums General General Board OIL Up this year – Divers pay up also – ROV pay going down!

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  • #24383
    Ray Shields

    Back on topic.

    If companies didn’t have people willing to work for the wages they are offering, they would have to put the wages up.

    They do – so they don’t. Simple.

    James McLauchlan


    Very succinct and bang on the mark.

    Scott Beveridge


    True and correct at the time of press… off topic….

    Now, I’d like to pose a question to all in the industry… Since this SH1TE has started (re: oil up to 70ish at the moment) and rates stagnating – in some cases decreasing – What do we or what can we, as a collective group, do to prevent further slides in pay as well as no rises? There is only one answer but WE HAVE TO BE A GROUP!!!!!


    Join the union OILC. The more people covered by the legal cover the less to get pushed out by cheap labour. In the UK anyroads. Replacing a position by someone cheaper doing the same job is against UK case law for company with a UK connection. It just takes someone to challenge the loss of their position. Coordinators for SS7 would be good ones to give it a go. What ever way a group is the answer.

    James McLauchlan

    I wish to avoid this becoming a Union discussion thread, but simply joining the OILC/RMT and fighting from behind is an option. Do it, or the likes of the big companies will always be shoving the little man around.

    What this discussion has proven is that one particular company cares not a jot about it’s so called family of loyal employees and has no hesitation in replacing UK sourced techs with cheap foreign imports.

    Scott Beveridge

    Loyalty = naivety and it’s only a word spoken by diode / check valve-type companies…. As in ONE WAY M***her farqers!


    Rates in OZ have gone up, thats right we are in a Uni0n.

    Scott Beveridge


    That’s great to hear! Keep on them regularly to keep the rates continuing upwards!

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