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    If it takes a rocket scientist to blaze the trail for the time-hardened commando, then it’s a sad sad day. 😕

    Don’t tell us your not a little bit tempted to try it yourself ? ! I say good luck to anyone who has the cahoneys to try and improve their lot. It clearly friggin’ worked.

    On the overall front, is this a sign of things to come – does it mean that salaries are to continue to increase across the board.


    I dont think much of your dreams Trout.

    If working offshore to you is living the "Dream" you need to get out of your cave more.

    Try having a "Wet Dream" 😳 ,

    Let me know how you get on.

    The Finger 😉


    Well done Trouty, but remember if you can be a valuable member of the team in 2 trips so can plenty of others.

    Nice hair bye the way


    Ballocks…. yer ‘aving a laugh

    you forgot to mention your pa was the operations manager!

    2 more trips and you’ll be superindentant no point pissing about with the supervisory shit…

    😆 😆 😆 😆


    Cracking up!
    So does he change his Avatar or stick it out? I am putting $20 on him changing it.

    With all the CV’s I am getting I was thinking of lowering everyone’s salary by $5000


    That is just you wanting to sit in a big nice office twiddling thumbs all day davidrob.



    Based on what you just told me regarding your day-rates, I think that 5000$ equates to about 50 days work or 4 trips of two-on, two-off?

    You’ll no doubt get lots of cvs – all of us day-rating filth put our cvs into everyone. If you get someone to accept a contract with you on that basis then thats a totally different story. Take a look at this newbie- you’re looking at a pay-increase of 10,000USD in under 120days.

    I really wish you luck.

    J Deans


    I heard you had manage to sucker in some newbies off this board with a massive £100 a day dayrate.

    So you’ll be getting about £600 a day for him and telling the Client he’s got several years experience then?


    To be honest here it’s market forces at play here (but not in our favour!).

    I dare say the guy he got in will do 28 days (earn his 2.8k – still better than an onshore job working in a shop) and then be marketed around as a full-blown pilot tech 1 after retiring gracefully from frontier-turkey. If you compare with Fort William ***charging*** 7k for a course in ROV piloting and maintenance (about 4 weeks no?). Which one gives the better practical experience and financial outcome !?

    Momentum Engineering apparently has a pair of video-ray GTO’s (14k each!) doing spud can survey work(they keep a spare one – i.e don’t bother maintenance, just fly a new one onto the rig!).

    Whilst I’m thoroughly annoyed myself at his day-rates, I do admire entrepenurial spirit and sticking two fingers up at the market-place.

    Well f(cking done. I’m sure you’ll do well in the end. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 😡 😡 😡



    By the way, Dave do you think this might not have happened had your crew the experience in managing tethers ??

    😆 😆 😆 😆




    i assume you can call it free enterprise … i am sure mr david doesnt really care about your worries of newbies getting in… how long do you think it is going to be before the companies start joining forces…. as sure as chips when it comes to the crunch people will accept what evers offered..

    as for a 100 a day to do spud can survey as a new start fuck better than being a roustabout or roughneck, oh whats that …. then there is the added bonus of having a cv with actual offshore time with flying time

    if every company had to deal with your negativity they wouldnt bother , mr savante ….

    good on them make some money then maybe buy some more rov’s then what employ more people etc etc…

    relax kick back and a job will come your way where i am sure you will be paid your full potential..



    eh? I wasn’t being negative. I think I was begrudgingly tipping the cap. You sure you weren’t thinking of dino??!


    Hey Baw Bags,

    What have the last 6 or 7 posts got to do with Homo Trouts pay rise????, Feck all me thinks.

    AhomosaysWhat, What!!! did you just say What?? Ya Homo.

    Get over it

    The Finger

    Andy Shiers

    What blackfingernail is saying Savante is ……………………
    Queer trout although only on £35 thousand a year and been a trainee for 4 months feels that he should have a pay rise due to the wordly experience he has gained in that period 😕 Due to the over taxing of this stupid governement that the immigrants have voted in to power he needs to get a pay rise so that he can pay for the upkeep of his six kids he is raising plus the visa cards he has to pay back 🙂
    And he has found a wonderful occupation ‘livin’ a dream’ where he is surrounded by men 😯


    Ah, well being a bear of very little brain, I would have to say I missed the underlying tone and homosexual innuendo in the discussion then and apologise for my rant – don’t like to hear talk of people lowering salaries in the present market climate!!

    Read my post carefully and compare and contrast the apparent glut of people desparate to get offshore to become pilot techs vs. trout who gets payrise without apparent difficulty due to desparate shortage of staff.

    My comments are reflection/observation of positive and negative pressures on day-rates. You just stick to your guns finger and concentrate on whats important to you though there’s a good lad. 😕

    Don’t get me started on tax though -I will rant all weekend and it will be uncontrollable. 😈 😈

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