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people with personal ROV’s

Home Forums General General Board people with personal ROV’s

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    i was just curious about those of you who have their own ROV; what are you using it for? are you making any money with it? using it to improve your flight skills for other systems? or just an expensive fish finder?


    James McLauchlan

    I would suggest that anybody with an ROV (on this forum at least) acquired it with a view to making money. Our small company http://www.rovworld.eu has two, an AC-CESS AC-ROV and a Seabotix LBV150.
    Jobs are few and far between but gradually the company name, and the gear we have available to us, is getting out there and inquiries are building.

    Some will have small ROV’s for marine archaeology others for fun, but unless you have them as a tool the the fun only aspect would surely fade away after time and the thing would gather dust in the garage.

    I can’t see any advantage in buying an ROV to improve piloting skills for offshore use. That would be akin to buying a microlight aircraft to help you fly a jet fighter, pretty pointless.

    Making money from them is not that easy though. You don’t simply buy a small ROV and retire from the offshore game and make money on projects. Time and effort needs to be put into creating a viable business. I know of one or two people that have achieved this. To make a go of your of it on your own you need solid funding and/or independent background income from another source so that your business has the time to grow and establish itself. Allow a couple of years before hoping to turn a profit.

    Andy Shiers

    90 % of ROV F#@k-ups is human error 😯
    Knowing how to fly it to begin with helps and the correct way to maintain it keeps the profit margin in line.

    Scott Beveridge

    90 % of ROV F#@k-ups is human error 😯
    Knowing how to fly it to begin with helps and the correct way to maintain it keeps the profit margin in line.

    And how to beg for spares….


    There’s a few people I know that have suitcase ROV’s and they put on "shows" in habours (hull / prop inspections) in front of all the bikini clad lasses!!


    lol yes imagine all the hot women pouring out to see me and my "cool" ROV
    it would probably end up being a sausage fest or star trek convention

    a buddy of mine has one that he leases to the sheriffs department in Texas. this question is more of my personal curiosity.



    I don’t know mate, I was in monaco last month sipping frosty beers next to a couple of awesome boats and I reckon if you got yourself down to the harbour with a little vehicle doing hull inspections, you’d soon have the chicks at least within 20m of you !! (Unless they go to the front of the gin palace!).

    Now that sounds like the next Savante mis-adventure….. who’s in ?? 😆

    Craig Thorngren


    If your driving a clunker, your only going to attract clunkers. When your driving the best, you get the best 😀

    Keep having fun.


     Description: These are some of the girls…


    You can see the person (sic) on the left is taking a lot more interest in the thruster than the situation warrants.

    Craig Thorngren

    With the highest "Weight to THRUST" ratio of any inspection class ROV, I’d say the lady know’s exactly what she wants… 😯


    Andy Shiers

    Do you reckon she’s had a go yet ?
    Is this a sales pitch with models ?
    Or are they ROV pilots trying to get work ?

    Craig Thorngren


    A "sales pitch with models" or wannabee pilots, no, just some nice ladies I ran into during a job recently.


    Andy Shiers

    Would they like to be ROV pilots ?

    Andy Shiers

    Oh, and by the way………………………. I have recently discovered that I am gay. Only a little mind you.


    90% to lost of balance and then 10% to normal….. D P ….ROV128

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