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People Worrying???

Home Forums General General Board People Worrying???

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    In the last week or so I am getting the Impression that a lot of people are worrying about offshore work……Come on guys it has been good for a while now and we all know about the ups and downs….Like I have said in another post I personally think that if you are good at what you do you will be ok…..Maybe a downturn will be good for the industry and we will get rid of the Deadwood and some of the non technical newbies that have got in the industry that we all end up carrying on the job….Am all for anyone making a fair living but when all you can be trusted with is the Dive log then its time to go……Like James has said it will be the back end of next year when we start to see it but thats a year away and anything can happen between now and then… I think we may see some of the Major players in the industry such as Acergy, SS7, DOF etc buying out a lot of smaller outfits…..But this is only my opinion….I was also thinking of going day rate….but think I will sit tight now with Sonsub….

    Look forward to your opinions……

    Rovtastic…. 🙄


    positive thinking !!! 😆


    Maybe a downturn will be good for the industry and we will get rid of the Deadwood and some of the non technical newbies that have got in the industry that we all end up carrying on the job….Am all for anyone making a fair living but when all you can be trusted with is the Dive log then its time to go…..
    Look forward to your opinions……
    Rovtastic…. 🙄

    OK great, all the NEW dead wood gets lost, and faffs about another area of the industry. Now Please Please Please tell me how we get rid of the OLD wood, I hear a lot of stick thrown at newbies, but I’ve worked with some real morons offshore who have been in the industry 10 years and more, and done everything from nearly loose the ROV to almost getting the crew thrown off the job because they thought the whole job revolved around the ROV, ranting and raving, and generally not having bloody clew, with people skills let alone ROV Technical skills. I could be very specific about certain supervisors lack of the above, but apparently that’s "unethical". Especially when "newbies" get bad appraisals from these job jealous reprobates because they had to put the blame somewhere for there embarrassing performance offshore.

    My opinion Rovtastic and pretty much solid fact.


    Scott Beveridge

    Deepblue(y) isn’t far off the mark there. Have actually seen guys that have 15 – 20 years who are less than "to be desired" as well – and I don’t mean by the orifice wallies either…!!!

    Andy Shiers

    That’s no way to talk about D.C 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    Now, now, Lost… Behave. Besides, there’s plenty of other folks to pick on out there! Old carunnts incl.


    Apologies……In saying "Deadwood" I meant the older hands you have mentioned above….and yes we have all worked with them….I recently worked with one who had 10+years experience and everytime we launched or recovered he would do his upmost to stay away from the LARS….and when he eventually couldnt hide anymore and had to operate it we pulled him off it as he obviously wasn’t confident in what he was doing…..The Superintendant offered to give him some time on it and further instruction and help but his attitude was that of " Old Dogs New Tricks"…..I dont know how he had got away with it for so long…..

    So in that case…..will the older deadwood actually go??….As someone is obviously looking after them if they have been getting away with it for so long….

    Andy Shiers

    Tea 😀
    A good cup of the old Mary Lea helps 😀


    Oh Yes…..Julie Andrews for me please….. 😛


    NATO standard Please

    Chop Chop I’m spitting feathers here….!


    Don’t forget my Whoopie Goldberg, Ta


    I thought it was the hamburger chewing, hip swinging Elvis you liked?? 🙄 😯


    its true.. there is nothing to worry about.. just a slow start to the year.. i am already getting calls offering me work, and interests about the agency i MIGHT be starting..
    so i think it will be busy again this year


    Dont much understand some of the comments being submitted here.

    When one talks about getting rid of dead wood or useless, lazy ****ers.

    I admit, there maybe preferences given to folk but as a rule there are regulations governing the process of picking people for redundancy.

    If people are referring to contracters, then thats a different story but as far as I see now all contractors should be worried.

    Its always the contractors to go first even if there are dead-wood about.

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