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Personal Field ROV Tool Kits

Home Forums General General Board Personal Field ROV Tool Kits

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  • #22777
    Ray Shields

    Back in the days of ROV survey jobs, yes I would carry an LED for data checking along with my terminal screwdriver.

    How to pee off a Survey Engineer- replace his test LED with a flashing type 🙂 🙂 🙂


    Dont forget the overdriver scewdriver , this is the ultimate tool it is a srewdriver with a gearbox , so one turn of the handle on this baby actually gives you 4 turns at the head , fantastic. Has anyone ever been privileged enough yo own one of these? I could only dream of one as an apprentice on £40 per week 😥


    I can only take 15kg on the chopper and I battle to keep within the weight specs with my books, laptop and peropherals. There is no way I am going to bring my own tools and chuck out my luxuries that make my 4 weeks voluntary jail sentence bearable.


    1. Snips
    2. Terminal screwdriver
    3. Small pen torch

    -wouldn’t dream of bringing anything else…

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)
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