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Pilot flying Hours

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    Slayered here

    Can any one tell me what is the average hours you will get during a year
    working for oceaneering or subsea 7. This must be as a trainee or a ROV tech Pilot 8)

    Andy Shiers

    😕 that………………………………… ?
    Is a Very tall question 😕
    In fact I should really have a rethink about that question if I was you as it is quite a silly question to ask …………… ( to be diplomatic 😕 )

    Ray Shields

    Between none and 200.

    See above answer – you cannot say as it depends on what job you go on, what the work is, what the system, is, who the Supervisor is and a hundred other variables.


    If you do drill support, 1-2 hours in water every day, or every second day, you do the math

    James McLauchlan

    If you do drill support, 1-2 hours in water every day, or every second day, you do the math

    As a trainee? There is no real way of working that out. Like Ray says… 0-200 and that’s not a sarcastic response either.


    Did not say he would get 1-2 hours every day, ROV is in the water 1-2 hours, and maybe 2 people there want hours.

    Ray Shields

    1-2 hrs a day in the water = 7-14 hrs a week = 28-56 a month

    assuming you did month on month off after the first 2-3 months of initial training and induction and getting onto a regular slot, 4 trips for the rest of the year = 112-224 hours in the year.

    Assuming you were not going to do all of the flying and/or there was another trainee there, assume you get 30-60% of the flying = between 33.6 hours and 134.4 hours.

    Of course as these are Drill Support flying hours they would count for a tiny percentage if you were then sent on a job working off a boat, mid water, using acoustic tracking in zero vis playing with crane wires.

    So the answsers still between zero and 200 😀

    James McLauchlan

    Did not say he would get 1-2 hours every day……



    I know i know Guys, just wanted to tell the guy how few hours there is in drill support, so yes i fully agree with 0-200


    you`ll be doing well if you can get 100hrs in your first year.
    depends what your calling flying hours.
    drill support sat on seabed, sitting in tms, bubble watch. would you call them flying. I don`t think so.
    Does n`t matter how many hours you`ve got people will be able to tell in the first shift if your any good.


    Also depends on the supervisor. I have known supervisors that won’t let anyone fly. You might get 1 – 2 hours total in a month if you get one of these guys.

    I don’t consider the ROV flying when hanging on to a structure, in the TMS/cage, on the seabed etc. The ROV must be free and require thruster control by the pilot to be considered flying.


    Slayered Here

    It seems to me I have the ball on the roll here. First of all guys thanks for all your comment and it is as you say it depends purely in what type of work you are going to do. I know it depends purely on yourself to get those hours but if it happens that you are with a poor supervisor it is going to be difficult. I am going to need 100 hours to finish my first year training but I do think I will get as I am a guy that will fight for it. In what type of Rov work will you get the most piloting hours.
    Cheers Slayered

    Andy Shiers

    Drill support 😕 Pipeline 🙄 Trenching 😯 At the end of the day , I don’t consider any of the other aspects of flying ………..Other than Platform Inspection , where you need to use ya ‘Nonce’
    Get some platform inspection hours on ya belt , Each Platform is a challenge in it’s self and will definately make you a better overall pilot in the long run 🙂

    Adam Freeburn

    Get your self on a pipeline survey job, you will be guarnateed 2-3 hours a day if not more.


    I have worked 2 years in ROV , can fix the damn things with my eyes shut , hundreds of hours on the winch …but on 22 hours piloting.

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