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Pilot flying Hours

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  • #17972

    Oh my,


    Slayered Here

    Can you guys not post something non useful and stop posting childish comments? For some reason I still wonder if you really can pilot a Rov. The forum is here not for short stupid comments but for comments that is going to help people in making the right decisions for their future. And it is the same guys that are pitching up at all the forums with no educational comments but a fifth graders comment.




    Well, your going to fit in well (if you ever get a job in rov that is)

    You had better wind you neck in as us 5th graders are usually supervisors and if you were unlikely enough to end up A/ roving and B/ with us you might find that the rov requires a lOT of polishing ect

    so do your self a favour and take care about being a keyboard warrior, its a small industry

    Try and remember your just a trainee, IF your even that……more like……


    Slayered Here

    That is just the problem I am in the offshore industry for more than ten years as a driller and cant believe how some of these guys can talk people so down and it is not so bad, bud if you are a sissy boy then it is other situation and what if I am a trainee pilot in the rov industry I may be better than you and some of the other so called pilots.



    Oh Ma Heid,
    Fairly rattled his cage 😀
    With an attitude like that I don’t think he will get many hours on the sticks,
    but I bet there would be many a shift counting nuts and bolts in between winch work in the pissing rain. 😆


    O DEAR……..

    better stick to the drill floor…….rovs not for you my mud covered amigo!!

    " That is just the problem I am in the offshore industry for more than ten years as a driller and cant believe how some of these guys can talk people so down and it is not so bad, bud if you are a sissy boy then it is other situation and what if I am a trainee pilot in the rov industry

    "I may be better than you and some of the other so called pilots"

    that i doubt as a TRAINEE, unless of course you have done a3 week course?

    I have a better idea………why not….do this instead??

    Scott Beveridge

    Slayered Here

    Can you guys not post something non useful and stop posting childish comments? For some reason I still wonder if you really can pilot a Rov. The forum is here not for short stupid comments but for comments that is going to help people in making the right decisions for their future. And it is the same guys that are pitching up at all the forums with no educational comments but a fifth graders comment.



    Tch, tch lad us guys whom you are wondering if we can really pilot an ROV or not are, for the most part finding it difficult to get time off and away from the sticks whilst offshore due to the skills lacked (by my assessment) with alot of new guys… There are indeed some good new lads but the good to poor ratio is low / lacking profusely!!! You’re looking for work at a ridiculous, undercut wage whilst I’m enjoying my time off whilst I can… In fact, see ya’ later – I’m wasting my time…


    Children please, this is going down hill fast 😯 😯

    But Christ, it is funny 😆 😆

    Any bets on the size and type of hook used to catch this one 😈

    However, we all start somewhere, attitudes and opinions get re-adjusted and those with emotional needs etc will get looked after cos the supv has been on a boosting your teams Chi awareness course etc etc. Then he can teach you how to fly 💡 easy

    Be good

    Scott Beveridge

    Oh Ma Heid,
    Fairly rattled his cage 😀
    With an attitude like that I don’t think he will get many hours on the sticks,
    but I bet there would be many a shift counting nuts and bolts in between winch work in the pissing rain. 😆

    On a (slightly) serious note, HelpM.B., some people type up a storm ( 😆 😆 🙄 ) and yet they’re quiet as a moose offshore. I’ve had some new guys on the joystick (s) (for the older vehicles) and they’ve just done fine… Mind you I’ve got quite a few white hairs now from the ones that were TOTALLY clueless…


    Lost means for workclass vehicles, not the plastic vehicles.

    Speaking of the plastic vehicles; anyone from fugglys know when you’re picking up those two seaeye jaguars??? 😆

    Have they had a change in heart over the controls system yet?


    and yet they’re quiet as a moose offshore.

    what you do in your cabin in your own time sir is your own affair !! 😯



    With regards to the Jaguars, no idea atm as things seem to be getting delayed further and further, Having some good fun/jobs with the sealions atm.



    If this web-site wasn’t full of innuendo (in your endo !) then I think it’d be a very poor reflection of the kinds of characters you meet offshore. Seriousness has it’s place !

    Don’t worry about the piloting-they’ll have you pulling grape-vines, barrel rolls and jousting with stab plates soon enough;

    worry about the maintenance, servicing and sh1t around you -same drill, different shack!!

    Best of !


    Come on gents try sticking to the topic in hand.
    Nah sod it, just on shift, TMS hanging time and my fingers are gagging to type. There’s a big un heading for the gaff.

    Dear Slayered,
    10 years as a driller and you want to get into this game, my erse, your income as a driller would negate the move, unless you were after a fresh start, possible but unlikely, so this leads me to the opinion you were a rousty, derrickman or maybe a steward??? (nothing wrong in that)
    I’m not so sure the forum is only here to help folk like yourselves make the right decisions, partly but not solely, shit goes on get used to it. Drillers should be well versed in dishing out shit, especially the brothers from over the pond, where I suspect you may be from due to the 5th grade comment. If I’m right you’re running true to form, but to be honest I’ve had better sport from a flattie hooked in the harbour on 3lb nylon.. I’ve been on a Chi boosting course and it made a big difference in the way I control my emotions, but I feel you sir would spend your month greasing and counting washers and fabricating T bat after T bat.
    Better position your head behind that donkey(ass)/cow loon. It’s your refreshment time. And it ain’t G&T’.s



    Seems Slayered is another trainee with the pilot hours obsession. Hours will come as and when the supervisor deems that you a. can do the task or b. has time to babysit you through the task. In reality it is not your responsibility to get the hours it is the supervisors responsibility to get you on the sticks as and when he can otherwise you will always be a spare part on the team and as one of the trainees pointed out it is a bit like working with a nail through your foot as the supervisor having a guy on the team who cannot fly. Especially around meal times.

    It is good to push for the hours but try not to run before you can walk or else you will do something very stupid and it will follow you around for a long time. E.G as a trainee I snapped my tether whilst returning to the TMS in marginal conditions. 4 and a half years later I went on a job and the first thing the supervisor did was comment on it.

    The best way forward is to get on a system and learn how to fly it and fix it then move to another and spend some time building up the experience and confidence. 100 hours touch down monitoring counts for nothing if you have to go and unhook a crane but on paper it is still the required hours. I have a feeling though that you also have to complete three types of operation within that or that was the case when I did my Tech II/I certs.


    LJ37…..So how long will that as bent pipe survey be remembered for, then?!! 😆

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