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Quiet times.

Home Forums General General Board Quiet times.

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  • #1947

    Has anyone else out there found that work has gone a bit quiet at the
    moment.Is this part of the world financial downturn,is it starting to hit?.
    Ive been really busy up until now.But it seems that if your not prepared to work over Christmas,there isnt much around.is this normal this time of year,on the run up to Christmas?.

    Cheers guys/gals…

    Ray Shields

    Nope, still as busy at my work.

    James McLauchlan

    You don’t actually say which part of the world you are in.

    If it’s the North sea then you should not expect, by rights, to be working at this time of the year. If you are, all well and good, but there is a low season and it has started. Crappy weather generally puts a lot of clients off carrying out work in the winter period.

    Andy Shiers

    Yep in aaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllll my years experience working offshore , this is quite normal 😕


    Asia normally has a seasonal lull between October and January and then picks right back up. If you like working the holidays, then this is the highest utilization period for contract hands.


    Seems to be agency work coming in most days…agreed most companies want you have people now who will commit to Crimbo and NY…not bad if you need the nickel.
    As said before, no need to panic, ’tis normal.

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