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Re-using Tywraps

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    Tywraps are usualy put down as consumables along with tape and lubricants.

    Ray Shields

    Tywraps are usualy put down as consumables along with tape and lubricants.

    They may be, but they still have to be paid for. Most ROV contracts pay a day rate for the equipment, any stores/spares you need to operate that equipment is included in the day rate.

    Costs are not already known as no-one knows how often an ROV system will need stores/spares. Sure, guesses can be made but any stores/spares are still overheads that dig into any profits.



    Sonar technician Zach Antonissen is the new guy on board. He must prove his zip-tie animal-making skills are up to snuff or he’s going home. Seriously?


    It is possible with a bit of forethought and ingenuity to actually release the tywrap without having to cut it. There is a little lug in the tywrap that locks into place by its own elasticity into the band track stopping it from opening. With a little addition press (tightening it fraction more) the lug is free to move with a thin piece of wire the lug can be held out of the locking track allowing the tywrap to be undone. The bigger the tywrap the easier this is to do. The forethought is placing the tywrap so you can gain access to the lug when you wish to remove the tywrap. Just a thought!


    When you take your car to the garage, you, the client, pay for the service received. The garage charges the four rags they used, the disposal of the dirty oil and the filters to you. Even though the rags are consumables, YOU pay for them, not the garage. Same goes for the ROV company – the client pays for them. Any business that pays for consumables on the customers behalf will find itself out of business soon enough.

    In business it works this way. From records the amount of consumables required is known. In order to compensate for unforeseen circumstances the Pareto Principle is applied and 20% is added to the budget AND charged to the client. Bean counters know exactly how this works without even having ever seen a tywrap. Beancounting is a science with plenty of mathematical formulae being used.

    Goodness help me, we now have someone describing how to loosen a tywrap to save it. The original intent of this thread was to state that they are consumable, budgeted for to the clients account and can thus be disposed of. People trying to save them are like Scrooge.

    How much is a sub eng or PT hired out to the client for? More than a box of tywraps a day? The bean counters will tell you that the time and cost spent saving tywraps is more than they are worth and they should be disposed of due to being, in bean counter parlance, BER – Beyond Economical Repair/Salvage.


    Not really 🙂
    If the guy is a complete turnip and has been banned to the winch he can also be employed to re-use the tywraps 😀

    Ray Shields

    From records the amount of consumables required is known. In order to compensate for unforeseen circumstances the Pareto Principle is applied and 20% is added to the budget AND charged to the client. Bean counters know exactly how this works without even having ever seen a tywrap. Beancounting is a science with plenty of mathematical formulae being used.

    Oh how I laughed when I thought that our lot would have a clue as to how much they spend on rags or tywraps and take that into account when they charge whatever it is they charge when hiring out equipment.

    Some companies can barely keep track of their assets never mind calculating such things.

    I’ll swear the think of a number, double it and then reduce it down till the client stops sucking their teeth 🙂

    Ewan McKen

    In business it works this way. From records the amount of consumables required is known. In order to compensate for unforeseen circumstances the Pareto Principle is applied and 20% is added to the budget AND charged to the client. Bean counters know exactly how this works without even having ever seen a tywrap. Beancounting is a science with plenty of mathematical formulae being used.

    In business it works this way:

    My Company is just like yours, except my guys recycle the Tywraps when it is sensible to do so (as was explained by Scotbeve early in the thread) and reduce other costs, even where they are within Budget.

    So my costs are lower, so my charges are lower, so I attract the Clients.

    You leave with nothing.

    (Ex (Has) Bean Counter for 3 years)

    Ray Shields

    You are a Subsea 7 Project Manager and I claim my £5 :L :L :L



    Ray Shields

    Do you mean a Reusable Tywrap or a Tywrap that has been reused (you can buy proper Reusable Tywraps that have a wee bit that sticks out that you push to release it).

    I’ve hardly ever seen anyone at Fugro Aberdeen (there are now many ROVs in other Fugros) re-use normal tywraps – except when you were really desperate but that was rare.

    I would never completely rule out re-using Tywraps, you still have occasions when supplies run low, the shipment gets delayed, or someone is overzealous and uses an entire pack to secure one cable!

    It’s usually about common sense – of course this is the first stumbling block as this seems to be in short supply as well.


    like i said earlier.

    only company i know of is STS, but what do you expect from a bunch of numptys and the dick heads they employ 😈 i was on one job where that was the supervisors main concern.

    Ewan McKen

    You are a Subsea 7 Project Manager and I claim my £5 :L :L :L

    Can I pay in used Tywraps?

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