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Recommendation for course before taking ROV Pilots course?

Home Forums General General Board Recommendation for course before taking ROV Pilots course?

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  • #1072

    Hi all…

    Over the past couple of months/weeks, I’ve been reading as much as i can (not all posts) in this forum … trying to get all the information possible to make a strong decision on embarking towards a career as an ROV Pilot/Tech. Without any Mechanical/Electronics background and at the tender age of 31, I’m trying to get my footing in the right direction.

    As most of the posts here insist that I should take up a prior course in either Mechanical/Electronics I’m wondering if a certification in this field would be sufficient? Or should I have experience as well?

    Living in Australia at the moment and contacted the TAFE in Perth that run the ROV course. But they strongly state that I should at least have a cert/ticket in some field of Mechanical or Electronics trade with some experience.

    I’m just wondering … do I stand a possible chance, from your point of view.

    All suggestions are welcome, as I can take constructive criticism.

    Besides, it’s my future at stake here … and it would be good to get some first hand advise from the rest that already have experience.

    Thanks in advance …


    Scott Beveridge


    you wrote:

    As most of the posts here insist that I should take up a prior course in either Mechanical/Electronics I’m wondering if a certification in this field would be sufficient? Or should I have experience as well?

    Yes, definitely get a trade and forget about the courses til’ you get a job w/ a company that will put you through it…

    Get your safety (BOSIET and HUET or better) and an OPITO (or better) medical once you’ve got a trade or cert for one. As another poster once wrote in here, something to the effect, It’s easier to make (mold) an engineer into an ROV tech than to take a guy on without any tech training. I strongly agree with this. Seriously consider doing a tech course for no more than a year whilst you keep your day job. Get a cert and your safety certs then start knocking on some doors.

    On the other side of the coin… companies are actually hiring guys without any tech training. These will be small companies paying the low end of the scale.

    Once again,

    read on in this forum for more advice…



    Thanks for that … it makes sense what you said. I can only imagine what those little companies are doing … it spoils things.

    I’ve just emailed a company in Australia regarding those courses and hope to get a reply in the near future.

    Option A – is what i’ll go for, get a tech cert and get the cert in the courses you recommended, did a little research on it … can’t wait to do it.

    Sounds alot like a course i did as a Medic ages ago.

    Can’t thank you enough for the advise … much appreciated!

    Scott Beveridge

    No probs… Good luck!


    I am agree with u Scot.
    I’ve just start 4 months ago working with the Cougar.
    I am getting 70 euros per day as trainee wich is peanuts comparing to the other trainee payrates.
    Unfortunatly I’ve studied as electician-machinist but not qualified cause I’ve been called in the army (sounds funny but bloody true). Now, I have a good base of electronics and mechanics but not paper that show it.
    I realize how it could be easier for me to own a certificate.
    I cannot pretend now to get a better salary unless untill I have a bit more experience and better CV.
    Now, I don’t wanna spoil the market but I wanna keep going with this job.

    Post your comments about this, I am new on this field and I’d like to have advices.

    Regards 😀


    Im the same… ex forces trying to make it as a trainee Rov tech/pilot…
    I have pleny of hands on with mechanical but nothing on paper…
    I now study with Teeside uni in mechanical/electrical engineering at level 3 and have done a hydraulics course with TTS/Amicus, for my re settlement.
    I’ve also lined up some work placement with a major sub sea connector firm so I get 3 weeks hands on with fibre optics…
    Im now chucking my CV around various companies to see if I can get my foot in the door!!
    As to the various training courses I spoke to a rep from Fugro at an Oil&Gas employment fair and he suggested that I don’t waste any money on a Rov course as most of the firms put you through their own "in house" course…
    good luck and any info would be great and if I get more I’ll be sure to pass it on…

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