Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) RMT-OILC negotiates ROV Day Rates for the next 3 Years!

RMT-OILC negotiates ROV Day Rates for the next 3 Years!

Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) RMT-OILC negotiates ROV Day Rates for the next 3 Years!

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    James McLauchlan

    You wish!

    You just know that isn’t true though 🙁 But are you already an RMT member offering your support to make that happen?

    Because of the above headline I would suggest that this will be one of the most read posts this year… but why might that be?
    That will most likely be because many of you want that to be the case and many of the employers do not.

    Without your support it will take a lot longer for that headline to be posted as a fact!

    So, help yourself and the overall effort by Joining the RMT-OILC. It will make a difference to ROV and get an agreement in place similar to that of the divers. The RMT has plenty of experience behind them dealing with exactly the same companies and negotiating the divers agreement, so there is no reason why they should not do well for ROV but they do need your support!

    Get the numbers up and will will happen!

    best regards
    James Mc


    James, be careful what you wish for, as they say.

    If you go to the divers forums you will find that some of the diver are not exactly happy with the deal the RMT negotiated for them. Not that you can exactly blame the RMT as less than 50% of the membership could be bothered to vote on the issue.

    James McLauchlan

    James, be careful what you wish for, as they say.

    If you go to the divers forums you will find that some of the diver are not exactly happy with the deal the RMT negotiated for them. Not that you can exactly blame the RMT as less than 50% of the membership could be bothered to vote on the issue.

    That’s pretty average… don’t bother to vote and then start complaining about the end result. If just about everyone (that could vote) bothered to vote than the majority would be a true overall result and not one based on those that made the effort to return a vote. I guess that’ll teach the slack ones a lesson if they are not happy with the outcome.

    Either way.. I would suggest that the outcome is far better than what may come the ROV way if there is no collective negotiation taking place.

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