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Rookie starting out

Home Forums General General Board Rookie starting out

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    Mike Macpherson


    Does anyone out there have any useful advice on getting started in the ROV world.

    I am currently coming to the end of a laborious career in the RAF as an Electronics Engineer and am looking at heading your way.

    I have decided against doing the ROV training myself having looked at the rookie forum and most have said it aint worth it!

    I understand the industry is quite difficult to get into so any tips would be appreciated.


    Macca 😉


    Hi Macca, as I am a newbie myself, I dont have any tips that might help you though I saw this post by BlackDog that might do you good as it is very informative: http://rovworld.com/phpnuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1156

    Ray Shields

    If you have read through all of the Rookie forum follow the other advice it gives.

    Have you got a good technical background (should do but depends on what your trade is), are you better off spending resettlement money on NVQ/SVQ’s? Get a CV together (see the FAQ link off to the left on CV advice), start sending CVs out to companys, see what their feedback is. If you can get to Aberdeen, try and speak to ROV Ops Managers, see what they are looking for.

    Mike Macpherson

    Thanks for your input guys,

    Having re read the rookie CV write up and actually compared it to my current
    CV I can understand why I have had no response from companies so far.

    Back to the drawing board with that one, it was completely useless




    you can not beat going doing the rounds in aberdeen of all the ops managers

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