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ROV for those who inexperienced?

Home Forums General General Board ROV for those who inexperienced?

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    I dont have any experience in ROV, so could I become a ROV technician by taking ROV course??

    If yes, how long do I need to complete the course?

    Who can provide me a very precious advice? 😆 😕



    Yes the industry is crying out for someone just like you with no experience and someone who also doesnt have the common dog to even try reading a few threads before asking everybody to give him advice.
    Well done you have passed the first ROV test with flying colours, the abject laziness part is really down pat now so you really just to work a bit more on the complete lack of any qualifications part of things, but given the state of the industry right now it wont be long and we will look forward to welcoming you offshore……. 😕


    ouch. 😯 that’s gotta hurt.

    Are we having a bad day? Time for a cup o’ tea TRW? 🙄


    Is it that easy to get involved ROV industry? not that common in singapore. we dont have such training here 🙁

    Ray Shields


    an ROV is a piece of electrical and hydraulic equipment like any other equipment.

    What you need to start out is a technical qualification and experience. Start with that. You need to do some engineering courses (whether you prefer the electrical or the mechanical/hydraulic side of things).

    If you do not have this background to start with, you will struggle to get into the ROV industry. Doing any ROV training course will NOT get you a job unless you already have a technical background.



    Actually I do have electrical/electronic background. Jus something different is i was doing wafer fab equipments. and now im thinking to change to marine industry. u know, for an unfamiliar industry, i need to refer to alot ppl and info. that’s y im here


    can i put rov this way: it is a techical field, and whoever get into it need alot of practical experience? no matter u are a degree or diploma holder, all stand equal chances?

    Andy Shiers

    Mr Noname 😀
    You are taking the piss 😀
    It’s almost like you have another name on here maybe 😯


    This does sound like Singaporean humour here from Noname…… 😡

    Ray Shields

    can i put rov this way: it is a techical field, and whoever get into it need alot of practical experience? no matter u are a degree or diploma holder, all stand equal chances?

    Generally people who have practical experience stand a better job than someone who just has a paper qualification with no experience. In most of the jobs in ROVs, you are not designing or building equipment from scratch. You will be operating and maintaining it.

    There are so many people trying to get into the ROV industry nowadays, those who do not have any practical technical experience stand little change of getting a start.

    Have a read through all the advice given in many other threads on this forum, especially in the Rookies section. Find out about the ROV companys that operate in your part of the world, contact them and see if they are taking trainees on. Ask THEM what they are looking for in a Trainee.


    Hi Ray..

    Thanks, you have let me know something I need to know.



    oh help me please Lost Boy, Spear ROV, AXEMAN. i just need your guidance. I am a humble survant (damn Servant and Survant both look wrong) any way please teach me i am putty in your hands… i can find truffles, anytthing, truly i can just give me a chance…….



    What a strange lot you all are….


    True, but amusing none-the-less.

    Andy Shiers

    Nope , Your’e a short arss !
    Don’t employ them 😀

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