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ROV Pilot urgently required for exciting work in Nigeria.

Home Forums General General Board ROV Pilot urgently required for exciting work in Nigeria.

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    Have any of you guys worked for AGIP or on the AGIP field in Nigeria. I believe vessels are mobed out of port Harcort? Could anyone give me pointers on whats going on there now? I did a job there in the begining of the year so am educated to Port Harcort.


    Have any of you guys worked for AGIP or on the AGIP field in Nigeria. I believe vessels are mobed out of port Harcort? Could anyone give me pointers on whats going on there now? I did a job there in the begining of the year so am educated to Port Harcort.

    Port Hartcort for me is a no-no, but that’s just me. I’ve worked with guys who are in and out of there on a regular basis who have no issues with it.

    Different strokes for different folks…



    for more info

    AGIP – never worked for them in Nigeria so no info



    I worked oot o Nigerai 2007 – 2008 wi various AGIP related or direct jobs

    App 1200GBP per day for ROV nintenda

    Avoid: Warri in the Delta, whooah!!

    Ports to be Very Careful: Harcourt, use the loaf n ul be a richt but nae a favourite ken, for wance in ma time, a avoided shore leave!!

    Ports where keep your wits abbot yi: Lagos, again use the loaf, stay aff the p1ss and act like the professional yur bein paid tae be

    HOWEVER, havin beltched a that oot, am no gaun back to Nigeria, got reasonable money in the GoM n Norway (Nae 2 bothired aboot Tax) n thats whaur am styin ken. Mich less chaunce o getting a nasty disease, airborne or no ho ho

    da’ dandy


    maybe there is an opening here for ex military who are trained in rov work to go to the hostile enviroments, i know personnally it wouldnt bother me working in these places so long as there is either someone covering my arse whilst im working or im tooled up for the job itself ……..

    like i said might be an opening here for ex mil guys like myself …….

    Ray Shields

    like i said might be an opening here for ex mil guys like myself …….

    What you going to do, poke them in the eye with an antenna? 😀

    No ROV company is going to "tool" you up to go on a job. Unless its an electronic screwdriver.



    I don’t think Jayjay meant fighting the miscreants. I believe he meant that ex military types have been trained to watch out for themselves and therefore notice situations developing far quicker than non military trained guys and can react with a tactical retreat before the situation becomes irreversible.

    Any military trained guy is trained not to act stupidly or panic in a life threatening situation. His ability to assess the situation and make rapid decisions is far more highly developed than your average civilian who has never had military training.

    Pierre COLIN


    Remember even if you never had any issues in Port-harcourt you can have some one day especially in that country you never know what’s happened.It could be friendly one day and the week after you can be kidnapped.It is just my thought ! 🙂

    Ray Shields


    I don’t think Jayjay meant fighting the miscreants. I believe he meant that ex military types have been trained to watch out for themselves and therefore notice situations developing far quicker than non military trained guys and can react with a tactical retreat before the situation becomes irreversible.

    He did mention going "tooled up" in which I doubt he meant a screwdriver 🙂

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