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ROV tech/doc’s…. thanx

Home Forums General General Board ROV tech/doc’s…. thanx

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    Just to say thanx to all who got back to me wrt ROV technical documentation… thanx very much… appreciated.

    I learnt a hell of a lot…. still am… got too much to go through actually..

    As a matter of interest, some common threads came up – trainees should learn more about:

    – Solenoid valves
    – Power packs
    – Servo valves
    – and the odd fibre optic cabling

    And most importantly… attitude and aptitude…

    Electronics did not seem to be a big thing other than changing the odd circuit board….

    So as a matter of interest, what are the most common faults out there…?

    Would be nice to know as a trainee….

    Ray Shields

    Water in electrical connectors and water in hydraulics.


    Does that not boil down to bad preventative maintenance…? Guy’s not looking after the gear…. surely there nust be some more common system problems that you can expect off shore…?

    I’d be interested….


    Water in electrical connectors I can understand… it has to happen sometime…
    I was going to say that water in the hydraulic’s shouldn’t be a problem if you look after your equipment – but considering the work environment it has to be…

    Fair enough:

    – Water & electrical connectors
    – Water inside hydraulic’s

    Anything else we should be aware of….?

    Is over presurization of the hydraulic’s a big problem as a matter of interest…? How do you guy’s calculate this sh#t… even though the pressures are in a closed circuit, there must be some play at those depths…? Or not…?


    This thread is actually wasting a good conversation… I actually just wanted to say thanx to the guy’s who helped me out with ROV doc’s more technical than the company spec sheets…

    The interesting thing is that I thought I’d be able to get more technical info with respect to ROV’s… the odd pdf. you know… maybe a word .doc

    James, you and Ray were right….(obviously). Everything I have been able to get my hands on should… um… is copywrited… but I still thought there would be more general info on ROV’s…

    I’d also like to mention that even though the info that I have received might not be 100% above the ROV technical documentation law as of 2009. I have found it very interesting and useful as a starting point for further knowledge….

    God help us all….
    PS: Considering no one’s planning to employ me… I’ve decided to build my own ROV… I have a few ideas… but, any comments/… plan’s will be appreciated…




    The interesting thing is that I thought I’d be able to get more technical info with respect to ROV’s… the odd pdf. you know… maybe a word .doc

    Try this link for some books with general and generic type information.

    There was many moons ago a book handed out at Subserv which if taken as a generic guide to ROV systems was quite useful.

    I think personally though building your own ROV with no real experience of the industry is just a mental concept.

    Just about everyone on here has probably worked on one system or another where the layout just does not work properly or the shack could be better. Mostly due to the designers never having been offshore with the equipment and never having to maintain it.


    Thanx for that link Mr jim

    If you convert those costs into SA Rands then you’ll understand my point exactly…. on the one hand I’m happy to pay for info… but on the other…. I’d rather have a cactus shuved up my arse….

    Building an ROV is simply to keep me out of trouble… there really is a good home build out there… check it out as a matter of interest…


    Should be fun actually….




    due to the designers never having been offshore with the equipment and never having to maintain it.


    Is’nt that the truth hey…. doesn’t really matter what industry your in…

    Except maybe Architecture… architects are always right…. always… no one takes the time to read the plans properly…. ever…


    If you’re going to build your own, here’s another site that includes some nicely designed electronics:



    Luckyjim37 wrote:

    Just about everyone on here has probably worked on one system or another where the layout just does not work properly or the shack could be better. Mostly due to the designers never having been offshore with the equipment and never having to maintain it.

    I couldn’t agree more having spent half the shift today lying half inside an ROV connecting tooling while bits of ROV dug into me because some brilliant designer in an air conditioned office somewhere put the hydraulic connections so close together that the adjacent connections had to be undone before you could get a spanner on the connection.

    Toon, design an ROV that is accessible and technician friendly.

    Scott Beveridge

    If you’re going to build your own, here’s another site that includes some nicely designed electronics:


    Or you can go "up market" a bit a follow what most of the industry is using….



    Roger that ROVrat… just need to get a few hours experience… then I’m on it…. no worries…

    Thanks for the links CtpPaul and ROV Scotbeve… it might all seem very straight forward to a lot of you guy’s, but… it really helps to look at this kind of stuff so as to work out how it all fits together… it’s slowly starting to make sence…

    Thanx again…


    Excelent links… thanks very much… especially the manipulator Captain…

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