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ROV Work other than Offshore

Home Forums General General Board ROV Work other than Offshore

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    I really enjoyed the thread re: Micro/Mini ROV’s, but at the end there Yahoo asked about starting his own company etc….

    I think that if it were any other day of the year… other than Ramadan, I think he would have been drawn a quartered by a couple of guys out there… so I’m pretty impressed with your respect…,

    Thing is, what’s the general feeling about freelance ROV guy’s out there other than the Oil & Gas Industry. I know of a couple of guy’s who have been lucky enough to come across some money and gear up… and who have actually done quite well (well that’s what they say)… basically,

    … what is the market like out there other than O&G….? Rates/work scope… etc… seriously…

    Craig Thorngren


    It all depends on your experience and competence. This year I’ve worked in Australia, Canada, UK, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, West Africa and the US. More than half of my clients were repeat clients this year. Rates vary based on the job, the location and what is the service worth to the client (how much money am I saving them vs. using a different method).



    You could get a job cutting trees with a sawtooth ROV in drowned forest lakes, cable work for telecomms, treasure hunting and archaeology are other alternatives to Oil and Gas.

    Scott Beveridge

    How about recycling ROV’s!!!????

    Craig Thorngren

    It would be nice if some companies learned to recycle or better yet just do away with all their trash…



    Scott Beveridge

    It would be nice if some companies learned to recycle or better yet just do away with all their trash…


    Bril…. (=brilliant)

    Craig Thorngren


    The funny thing is that this picture is probably 4 years old. The "ROV Junk Pile" has grown considerably. With all of the trade in’s and upgrades I’m pretty sure they are the largest single owner of Seabotix LBV’s and I think they are working on receiving some LBC’s from new clients… I’ll see what other pictures I’ve got.



    Where’s that junk pile? Is that the one behind VideoRay’s offices in PA?

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