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    Interested to see that the Philippines is ranked at 5.6% of Users on Rovworld.

    James McLauchlan

    Given we’ve been around since 2000, in one form or another, that’s a recent trend and driven by supposed market demand no doubt.

    It’s pretty sad actually. I bet this is as a result of a certain Filipino training establishment touting exciting worldwide travel, high pay etc. with only three weeks training! and…. the likes of Subsea7 sniffing around offering ROV trainee jobs on their jobs (UK included). The word is out.. for them it’s the next big thing to working as a rigger or catering crew.

    There are so many Filipino hopefuls going to be sucked into splashing out hard earned cash, or even taking loans, only to see it all end in grief.

    For example:
    I was reading a blog in the Philippines and there were literally hundreds of posts on ROV training asking about the course and how much pay at the end of it. There were a number of warning messages from Filipinos that had done the course and had not had a sniff of work months later. Despite the warnings yet more people were posting (not even responding to the warnings) asking how to get onto the course! It looked like sheer mass desperation rather than a logical approach to a career opportunity.

    Bhupinder Singh

    Yes , I was on a cable lay vessel and they were using filipino same crew hands for Jointers as well as Plough and ROV. same 2 man crew for these three jobs. The main point is there is no dedicated crew for these three departments.
    Now you can very well judge the future in this field. 💡


    The russians seem to be interested too to get involved in the ROV offshore industry. See here.

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