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Safety alert on eggs in the North Sea

Home Forums General General Board Safety alert on eggs in the North Sea

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    Just wanted to share this, it just happened this morning and my jaw is still slack in disbelief ! One of the lads on our system has had a HOC card raised against him by one of the ships officers on the boat, aah you may think there must have a serious safety issue involved !!!
    Well whats actually happened is that every morning the cook puts out both hard boiled and soft boiled eggs, they both go in the same tray. So to avoid any dangerous incidents that may arise from handling the wrong type of egg the chef puts a little sign on either side of the tray one says "Hard" and one says "Soft".
    The henious crime the poor ROV pilot is guilty of is swapping the signs around so his mate behind got his least favorite type of boiled egg !!!!
    The results of this incident could be far reaching in our industry lads so please beware.
    This HOC is going to end up on the desk of a multinational oil company this morning 😯 I am sooooo looking forward to the morning meeting 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Also beware not to lick the foil top from any yogurt container – horror of all horrors!!


    Tooth picks – Lethal weapons. They were banned on a semi sub I was on in 2001 cos some retard stabbed himself in the gum and then reported it to the medic 😈


    In a news report I have just read, actors in the play Jack and the Beanstalk may no longer climb more than 1.3 metres up the beanstalk unless they have fall arrestors attached.

    Some time ago the Russian Circus trapeze artists were told that they may not perform in the UK unless they wore hard hats, as they were working at heights.

    In the UK a town council decided that for Guy Fawkes celebrations a real bonfire was too hazardous. They arranged a cone of television monitors with heaters in front for authenticity. All this was safely behind barriers to prevent injury to spectators. Speakers played recorded fire crackling sounds at safe decibel levels. The pictures on the monitors were of a bonfire.

    Tank crews in the British Army are being told that the use of a metal hammer to knock in the link pins on tracks being repaired is unsafe as sparks may be produced and a rubber hammer should rather be used. Whats next, a hot work permit to fire a rifle?

    And now the British Ministry of Defence says that Prince Harry’s comments are inappropriate in a modern army. I wonder if being killed is still allowed in a modern army? Or should soldiers refuse to die after being shot?

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