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Seaeye QA

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    Alex Kerr

    Have I been really unlucky over the last few months or has anyone else seen a deterioration in the work coming out of Seaeye, and has it been since the takeover by SAAB?.


    Not unlucky, the quality of gear being produced is not as high as it once was.

    Think they are suffering due to clients purchasing vehicles and pinching staff while they do their FATs. Offshore companies can pay a lot more than them.

    I don’t think that this is unique to Saab Seaeye. Sub Atlantic and PSSL are suffering from the same problems.

    There product is still far and away the best on the market

    Jason Garic

    What type of problems are you having? They (Seaeye) mentioned a QA problem in thruster manufacturing that affected some our orders.

    We haven’t put too many new parts on the system recently. So, I can’t say what the quality is.

    Alex Kerr

    Problems I have been experiencing, have been as said purely QA based: Things like bench testing a system, noticing a glaring fault, and because it hasn’t been in the workscope, returning the system with no notification of an additional fault. Also sending out repairs that just don’t work, also, when was the last time their timescale was the same as yours?
    Listen guys, I’m not doing down seaeye, I believe their products are up there with the best, "once you get them"!!.
    There are a lot of Seaeye users on these forums give me your opinion, good, bad or average (I just want to know if i’m being over critical).


    My problems with Seaeye…..

    Delivery of everything is late….sorry not late non existant.
    Prices have gone up despite overall quality dropping.
    Thruster longevity has deteriorated (SM4s particularly)
    Some technical issues are unresolved even after 18 months of ongoing discussions.

    Speak to any of the guys on the Seaeye shop floor and you will see how miserable they are and how much they want to get out and begin working offshore. The problem is that most of them have only been at Seaeye 5 minutes so they don’t have the necessary knowledge to transfer straight to offshore work. That won’t stop some companies (desparate ones) which basically means that the vehicles coming out of Seaeye are being built by Trainees fresh to Seaeye who only build a couple of vehicles before moving on to another company.

    Andy Shiers

    Ta Daaaaaaaaaaaa !
    Another excellant way for people to get into the Industry 😀
    The problem I’ve seen with seaeye lately is Bench testing…………. Or lack of it !
    PCB’s that do not work ! or Schematics that do not correspond to upto date equipment 🙁
    Shame really 😕


    yeah, I sent them an email about this last week – gave them results of the joy-stick poll and asked if they were aware of issues- they wrote back to say that they’re aware of this site as well so don’t think this goes un-noticed!!

    With the flow of personnel traffic being essentially one-way – think there’s a good opportunity to buy some seaeye stock and sit on the harbour at Aberdeen with replacement parts!!

    Anyone for a rental SM-4 thruster or P6085 ?? What about a rental re-term??

    Andy Shiers

    Yaaaaaaaaaye , I like it 😀
    I can see the Promotion already
    Rent the Re-term boys 😆
    Come and get it here !
    Call the Re-term boys , We will fix it , never fear !
    All our team are experienced , No one less than Ten !
    You are paying for the experience , to fly it or to mend ! 😆


    hell; that nearly rhymes.

    Now all I need are some inspirational photos and catch lines.


    What cost do you reckon for a decent main lift reterm these days?

    10 hours (one/two techs), materials cost (fibre reterm kit+heat shrink+big hammer+wirelock), certified lifting bags, load cell + certification, optical test gear?

    Hell, must be close to 1000gbp to 1200gbp per pop; most of the cost is technician.

    Thinking of additional deliverables being full meggar and resistance table of conductor:conductor etc – maybe for a seaeye doing light housing + whip+ thruster meggaring as well. When was the last time anyone really tabled that up and tracked IR fade?

    There’s an office at the quayside just vacated at Regents centre.

    Andy Shiers

    Don’t forget the emblem and the freebees 😀
    Gisit’s !
    Bright indigo overalls so that we could be seen from one ship to another all the way down the quayside 😀
    You know ……………… For when they all come in at once 😯


    line ’em up.


    I’m signing off; just flew back from san fran yesterday and my head is wrecked.

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