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Seamans Discharge certs.

Home Forums General General Board Seamans Discharge certs.

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  • #1597

    Has anyone got a copy of a Seamans discharge certificate? We have a trainee onboard trying to find one.



    Ray Shields

    Good old Google:-


    Just print it out, Tippex out the word "specimen" at the top and re-photocopy it. This is almost exactly the same cert U used for the years I was claiming tax back.

    cheers, Ray


    What google search did you use we have been looking for all that all morning?

    It is however gratefully received old chap. How you keeping anyway are you still at Fugro Raytech ooops I mean Rovtech??

    🙄 😆


    I have found that the Google search uses different priorities dependant upon the world region you find yourself in, even if you use a straight search. Probably why googling in the UK found it and elsewhere didn’t.

    Actually quite crappy for world travellers that need specific information.

    Ray Shields

    I searched for "seafarers discharge certificate uk", on my search, second result down is entitled "Guidance & Regulations and points at http://www.mcga.gov.uk/c4mca/mcga-404.htm which comes back as a Page Not Found so I went to Googles cached copy.

    On there, is a link to the discharge certificate PDF.

    Maybe its cos I spend too much time online 😀

    Yeah still technically there! I did 6 weeks offshore during the first 6 months, I believe it taking it easy (seems to be working).


    It turns out my search was through Holland the only word different was we put in seamans rather than seafarers.

    Thanks for the help Ray my boy was very appreciative I reckon he should cut us in for some of his tax rebate at the end of the year 😆

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