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Shanghaied by agencies ?

Home Forums General General Board Shanghaied by agencies ?

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    Have you ever been sent to a foriegn country by an agency without a return airline ticket ?

    The American term Shanghaied refers to the practice of conscripting men as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence. Those engaged in this form of kidnapping were known as crimps. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_(verb)

    Gina McLauchlan

    Heads Up!

    The OP (jerrymoman) requested that his account be deleted. That will happen soon but the Original post in this thread will go also… to ensure that you have a clue what it’s about… the original posts was:

    Have you ever been sent to a foriegn country by an agency without a return airline ticket ?

    The American term Shanghaied refers to the practice of conscripting men as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence. Those engaged in this form of kidnapping were known as crimps. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_(verb)

    Yes, every time I go offshore I leave home on a one way ticket. Both companies and Agencies use this practice, sometimes it’s easier to get a new return ticket then to try to predict the crew change then have to change the return ticket. For me it has never been a problem, the same as it has not been a problem for countless others.


    Andy Shiers

    What it boils down to is this 🙂
    Most companies now actually send through a bonding contract in order So that THEY do not get shafted by the employee 😯
    SOME personnel in the early years would take an advantage of one way tickets to get themslves out to a country without paying for it 😯
    If you go out to a contract And you do not perform, ie Do Not Work 😯 !
    You DO NOT get paid 🙂 Simple as that 8)
    So if you go out on a contract and you are crap at your job , Lied on the C of V just to get on the job on false pretences YOU DO NOT GET PAID


    Hmmn thats interesting

    i usually work asia and i’ve always, always, had an open return ticket. The companys just confirm the return section when your crew change date is confirmed.

    i wouldn’t be too keen on going to some of those more dodgey places without a paid for return ticket. If the arrangements fall apart too badly at the other end you always have the option of getting back on the plane.

    Guess you wouldn’t want too pull that stunt to often though but we are all professional people right?….

    anyway thank for the info, it’s good to know this stuff

    Scott Beveridge

    There’s also the fact that since (for the most part) the companies usually get us seamans fare tickets (and their kickbacks…) they, the companies we work for can save money if they do get open return tkts.


    What it boils down to is this 🙂
    Most companies now actually send through a bonding contract in order So that THEY do not get shafted by the employee 😯
    SOME personnel in the early years would take an advantage of one way tickets to get themslves out to a country without paying for it 😯
    If you go out to a contract And you do not perform, ie Do Not Work 😯 !
    You DO NOT get paid 🙂 Simple as that 8)
    So if you go out on a contract and you are crap at your job , Lied on the C of V just to get on the job on false pretences YOU DO NOT GET PAID

    We know who you work for !!! You don’t even have the guts to give your real name !!!

    Andy Shiers

    Aaaaaah , But friends on this site do know me and know my name 😯
    So I do not need to give my name 🙂
    You are obviously not a friend 😀
    But I know you through the grapevine 8)

    Andy Shiers

    We know who you work for !!! You don’t even have the guts to give your real name !!!

    What a strange thing to say 😕


    We know who you work for !!!

    Thats you and who else Jerry?


    lost is a mercenary jerry – some say he’s alergic to logos !


    Damnation! 👿 Scot is right yet again.
    The main reason why companies want you to have a Seamans Book is that the discounts are very attractive. Also, as an added bonus, the ‘open return’ attracts higher priorities than an open return that say, Limpboy Public would get. So when companies give you a Seamans Book at their great expense, don’t be so inclined to develop a blue-eyed-boy-fuzzy feeling :roll:–chances are the company hate your guts and consider you as nominal economic value. 😯
    Just kidding about the last part: we all know that The Flying Spaghetti Monster has got a huge erect Noodly appendage 😯 for ROV personnel worldwide………..’cept maybe for GOM 😆


    aye – they get jump seat rates on seamans books – it’s why KLM went mental last year and started haulin people out the queue in schipol – about 8 of us at one time -gave us a lot of grief – think I put a post up about it.

    It’s all about the "dallar".

    Andy Shiers

    Yep you sure did , friend 🙂

    Russell Coffield

    Every job i have ever been on provides a one way ticket to location as you don’t actually know how long your going to be there RIGHT! , like mentioned before these are usually discounted and are block booked by travel agencies as for the return ticket this can be booked in a matter of hours so there is a never a problem, seams our friend is a little confused and misinformed.. 💡


    Be careful, i know who you are

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