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Shanghaied by agencies ?

Home Forums General General Board Shanghaied by agencies ?

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  • #17705
    Russell Coffield

    Be careful, i know who you are

    Perhaps a little harsh i agree apologies…. edited accordingly


    Damnation! 👿 Guess I missed that little fracas. 😕
    Hey Lastboy! Eyyye no yurrr nehmmm. Wieee no wurrr you leavve. Does that perchance maketh mysen a kin-like friend ❓ Or am I your Foe ❓ Eh, eh? What’s it gonna be, boy? How are you hangin’Lastgirl/boy? Did Chuck ever get in touch? I’ll bet he wimped out. See you in hell, blindboy! 😈

    Andy Shiers

    What can I say ‘Gorilla features’ 😀
    It starts getting rough and no one wanna play wiv me 🙁
    ‘Canna take a tease , Shouldna come to de playground ‘, Capice ?
    You can play wiv me , but lets not play Conkers this time 😕


    Anyway, let’s get back on topic (*feelings of guilt and remorse*).

    I know not where you hail from jerrymoman, but on this thread alone there is a combined total of at least70 years ROV experience that I know of, and I have not included Scot because no-one except Savante and I understand ‘powers of’ after digits.(Sorry guys, but it’s true 😆 ) Every single agency that I and others know of, do not ordinarily book single tickets for their guys. To some they may look like single tickets because the return portion is blank, or even not there. However, the booking code is what has the information in it. Rumour is that even Savante can’t decode it! 😯

    Did you by any chance have to fork out for your return airfare, like out of your own pocket?

    I ask, because sometimes when ROVbods are dispatched to remote (and I’m talking about worse-than-Siberia-type remote) regions that have no stable communication network, the agency will make a prior arrangement for you to fend for yourself, so to speak, and add any costs incurred to your monthly expenses sheet. Alternatively they will give to a substantial wad, on account.

    Were you working in a ‘remote’ locale?

    Two questions asked, answer of course is optional. 😈 Es debilem vinculum, vale!


    This is an ROV website to talk about guess what ROV,s.So take your stupid petty childish squabbling and bugger off….God some of you must spend your whole time on the internet slagging each other off,while you,re on your time off.Go and get a life……


    And to think I used to like this informative, helpful, and in some respects even useful website. You guys need to air your grievances on the heli deck or something. Queensbury Rules(for those old enough to know what that means!!!)
    Even O#* Beef H@@ked wasn’t this bitchy. And I never really took an interest in that one.

    Andy Shiers

    Wow 😯
    That was a soap box and half 😆
    Where does that leave us prudes then Baron ?
    I feel sort a emotional 😕


    Be careful, i know who you are

    Perhaps a little harsh i agree apologies…. edited accordingly

    It was a joke, nothing else, i dont know who you are.

    James McLauchlan

    For a few years now I have been issued nothing other than one way tickets and I can guarantee that there is not a return sector booked into them, whether it says so or not.

    This practice is more common than it used to be.

    Nobody is getting

    Shanghaied by agencies ?

    as they are duty bound to get you home anyway.

    In 23 years offshore I have not been left to find my own way home, nor have I been held to ransom (shanghai’d?) based on not having a return ticket.

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